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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Buttcracks Please

    Felicia hasn't had a lot of time to read the board. She may not have seen this one. Or maybe she wouldn't open a thread with "buttcracks" in the title. ;-)
  2. Steph

    Pelt Comics Boxes

    An assortment of repro boxes.
  3. Steph

    Buttcracks Please

    Hey Brian, what happened to your buttcracks?! I'm getting the dreaded red X. Those were good examples. Here's one from Alan's old Marble King page:
  4. A couple of jack o'lanterns Tom Thornburgh: Jabo:
  5. What do you have by way of non-Jabo buttcracks? On marbles. ;-) Here are a couple of Alley buttcracks. my tater bug: a fluorescent pistachio:
  6. So, it sounds like the $99.99 for this one was not a steal and not too high. I usually sort my ebay searches by highest price first in an attempt to see what the most interesting listings were. I stop looking when I get down to about $50 final sale price. Which means that in addition to missing all the bargains Al gets on original packaging, I also only see the golden rule marbles people spend a lot for. Like the person who bought 4 individual ones without cases for $61. But I did a search just now specifically for Golden Rule marbles and found that the price for individuals with cases is in the neighborhood of $9 to $11 after shipping. Now I know. Thanks for the feedback everyone.
  7. This had a buy-it-now on it. My first impression was that it was a bargain. I wonder how long it lasted before it was sold. Any ideas on a good price for it? Box of 12 Golden Rule marbles, each in their own box. They are a little hard to come by even individually, right? They're not still being made?
  8. Another "not even a draft yet" post, just an idea. Some marbles are too common or too plain to show up in most books, but people still like to learn about them. Essentially Single Color marbles: Dark Blue Swirl Game Marbles?? Steelies: What Can You Tell Me About A Steel Marble Steelies
  9. Someone asked me what a Buttermilk looked like. First of all it is a tri-lite. And here's the description from Chuck B.'s article in the WVMCC newsletter, Issue #15, June 2006. Here are some photos which have been shown at various times. A classic design posted by Duffy: Two posted by Mary M. Guy and Randy both said the black ribbons were okay. A shooter sold by Alan: Dani's: Carole's:
  10. Steph

    Dug Leopard?

    Spotless? not quite! lol
  11. I know simple patches like this aren't worth much ... and that makes them all the more annoying. Coz they're too trivial to argue about but I don't want to i.d. them wrong for someone else. Anyway, this thread is for mibs which might be taken for Vitro All Reds if you didn't know better. This isn't a response to the akro versus vitro discussion in the i.d. forum. I've been flagging "data" for this topic for while now. You can see how some Akros might be taken for All-Reds. Bob, wouldn't you think some of these were Pepsi mibs? (from post #7 here) And then there are some MKs which seem to be trying to confuse. Auction pix. Sorry, they're hard to see. If you have better and wouldn't mind sharing ... Here's one of Al's all-red bags. After seeing the some of the patch shapes on the MKs, I might have tried to get too clever and guessed MK for some of these. I bet there are modern ones which look like all-reds too. Anyone else have tricky examples? or hints? Like ... does chunky aventurine likely mean MK or can Vitros have chunky aventurine also?
  12. Here is an example of the bag Berry Pink patented while he was jobbering Peltiers for Rosenthal. The goals of the double compartment design were rigidity and visibility, at relatively little expense. Earlier mesh bags were floppy, which meant that marbles would slosh around and end up in a bunch at the bottom. Boxes were expensive and you couldn't easily see the marbles inside. This was his solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (click to enlarge patent) . . . . . . . The contents are incredible. The label is incredible. It's altogether amazing. Alan's description:
  13. Here's my Jabo Madyia with lutz.
  14. I have a peewee moonie! I put it aside in such as "safe" place that I forgot about it but I found it again yesterday. 15/32", with fish eyes and fire inside.
  15. p.s., yes, Darla's is slightly fluorescent. If you look at it next to a popeye you might miss the glow.
  16. Darla, as you may have already seen by now, these are examples of Leopards: Posted by Ronnie here, Can Anyone Id This Akro Agate Marble. His were dug. In that thread, Dani explains that was actually her husband who named them ... 20 years ago. In post #3 there Derrick linked to an old thread of Lizzy's where she had posted another dug example. That thread is gone, but here are the thumbnails she posted. Her base looked pretty light in those pix. Yours is a medium to light greenish. Bottle green might be a good term for it.
  17. Darla has a Leopard and some other "interesting" akros. Like a totally whacked out Indian Blanket. Is the Leopard a positive sign that she got her hands on at least one dug marble?
  18. Thanks Al. I forgot about that bag. Dave (orbboy) posted one with sunbursts.
  19. That was this thread. http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/i...?showtopic=9158 Since Brian's size info was given in one post, and updated in another, here's the summary. His red examples range from .574 inch to .98 inch. But if you allow non-red examples, he gets down to .555 inch.
  20. Steph

    Jabo Tributes

    Yes, that's the part which sparkles a little. :-)
  21. Steph

    Jabo Tributes

    The Jokers stand out in pix, that's for sure. But the Tributes get better and better in hand as you focus in on them. The colors are phenomenal. Some wonderful striping action. I have one where a peach-tinged yellow blends to orange, then the stripes start: clear, gold, purpley brown, maroon, darker purple, gold, greenish gold, olive, teal, a weird ox blend, more teal, almost black ox, teal, clear, and back to the blushing yellow. dude! did I mention stray bits of glitter? (Edna, that's one of the ones I still haven't been able to match to one of the style names.)
  22. Thanks for the confirmation. I "knew" that but was still insecure in saying so.
  23. Pat, here's a screenshot so that you can see the right code with the brackets still there. As Lou said it's hard to explain in writing, because the brackets disappear when they're typed in the message. The top line in the image is what your signature looks like right now. The next line shows where your name should be ... between the size tags. Should be just a matter of deleting your name from the end and retyping it between the tags. (Spaces are not necessary, but shouldn't affect it either. I included them for visibility.)
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