I thought I was being facetious.
Edit: Images in post #13: Linkees no workee? So..............................are they all onion skins......or what?
Price Guide 5th ed.: "Joseph's Coat Swirls are swirls that have an outer layer of glass that is composed of variously colored similar-width complete strands, packed very closely together."
Price Guide 4th ed., page 24: "Joseph's Coat Swirls are swirls that have a sub-surface layer of glass that is composed of different colored strands, placed very closely together."
According to all of the pics and descriptions of onion skins, joseph's coats, banded opaques, and end of days in the 4th ed of the price guide, any of these 4 names can be applied to any marble fitting any of the descriptions for all of the above.
"A banded opaque has an opaque to transparent base glass." pg.34
"The base glass of a Joseph's coat can either be clear or colored" under Joseph's Coat Swirls and End of Days pg 24
ONIONSKIN - an end of day marble where the flecks of glass are stretched such that the core resembles the skin of an onion." pg 174, Glossary
"An end of day onionskin has a transparent base glass, usually clear. The marble can have either a colored core, or a transparent, clear core....Generally the base color is white or yellow..." pg 48
Bottom line: since we have no records of names of these marbles from their makers, anyone can name them anything they want. Re: post #1: I kind of think those 4 mibs resemble onionskins so I say they're onionskins. You all can call them whatever you want, but I'd still have to see a pic before I'd bid on anything looking like them.