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Everything posted by ausman

  1. Regardless of the kind of wood; it's looking real nice Duffy!
  2. Where do you get the gray foam padding?
  3. Back in the 50's, here in the Granite state, we called 'em boulders. But, don't take that for granite!
  4. duffy.....It's not poplar! That's a soft wood. That's either oak, maple....some kind of hardwood.
  5. Looking good!!! Any idea as to what kind of wood it is?
  6. How does it get from 275.00 to 450.00 with nothing in between?
  7. Is this ebay listing really oxblood? http://www.ebay.com/itm/ONE-Rare-3-4-Wet-Mint-Akro-Agate-Silver-Oxblood-Shooter-Marble-Cedarman7-/251217215401?pt=Marbles&hash=item3a7db67fa9
  8. Thanks all. I contacted seller to ask "Why" They responded that they didn't know why and lifted the block. Go figure.
  9. Thanks Bob. But none of these situations apply. It's very frustrating to enter a bid and recieve the page that "you're blocked from bidding."
  10. Any thoughts as to why ebay sellers would ban perspective buyers? This has happened to me several times. Inquiry to the seller goes unanswered. All the sellers have previously sold to me; with no problems; and all positive feedback. I don't get it!
  11. God Bless Us....Each and everyone!!
  12. Recieved mine in the mail today. All very nice! Thanks Bob!
  13. Ebay listing: http://www.ebay.com/itm/16-Vintage-Glass-Marbles-Original-Box-Akro-Agate-Superman-c-1950-/221162825378?_trksid=p2047675.m2109&_trkparms=aid%3D555003%26algo%3DPW.CAT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D142%26meid%3D4044336756785647275%26pid%3D100010%26prg%3D1076%26rk%3D5%26sd%3D140894486751%26 Is this legit? Or is it just a box with 16 supermen in it? One divider doesn't look the same.
  14. I have purchased marbles that were listed as oxblood patches, swirls, whatever. Sometimes the oxblood merely looks like red. Some opaque and some translucent. Is it a common occurence that people mistake any deep or dark red for oxblood?
  15. I'm Gary from New Hampshire. Getting ready for Sandy...LOL. I like machine-mades....Akro; And A/B (Budweiser steins. Their logos look alot alike!!
  16. The size is 11/16 and it is slightly out-of-round.
  17. I bought these akro corks on ebay; but the red/white/blue one doesn't look like a cork; and I don't know if it is akro. Any opinions? Thanks.
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