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Everything posted by ausman

  1. Hey there jeeperman! What are the sizes on those mibs?
  2. Hi Lloyd. Cool pictures! We have a lot of wild turkeys here in NH too. But I've never seen them in a flock as big as the one you show. Our season is mid spring. When is yours?
  3. Paul. That is totally AWESOME info. Thankyou very much. Gary
  4. Many thanks, Jeeperman. I'm not much of a photographer; so most of your info is over my head. LOL. Food for thought, anyway.
  5. Hey Jeeperman! Your photos are awesome. What camera/settings do you use?
  6. Outstanding!! Galen, your cacs are to die for. Mibstified, yours are awesome, too! I would accept any given amount!!
  7. I bid on both of those, too. Would have loved to get them. LOL. Congrats on your win!
  8. I won eleven lots: Lot 50, 107, 108, 112, 124, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, and 159. All paid and on the way!!
  9. Here are two bloodies I got from the late MarbleAlan a few years ago.
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