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Everything posted by ausman

  1. ausman


    1949 was a very good year, 'cuz that's when I got here!! LOL!!
  2. Mike, Sounds Just like my history! Lol. Wish I had an inkling about marbles then! Gary
  3. Desertbern had this listed on a BuyItNow for $89.00 or bid. Bidding removed the BIN and look where it went!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/301107508530?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  4. Here's one: http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Born+to+Be+Wild+Steppenwolf&Form=VQFRVP#view=detail&mid=0FF5485EBA5180CE7D330FF5485EBA5180CE7D33
  5. Oh yes! Thanks Steph. I had a hunch when I saw "bern" on the end of the user id.
  6. This seller is relatively new. Has some cool marbles up. Anyone know who it is. http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?item=291078245515&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&_ssn=desertbern&_sop=1
  7. "Click" on the small icon at the top-left of the editor and then you should be able to paste into the text box.
  8. Hi Al. I am running windows 8.1 and ie 11. When I click "browse" a small window opens in the skydrive as you said. But on the left side is list. Scroll down the list to "this pc" and double-click on that; this will bring up your "pictures" folder(s).
  9. widely. It was lot 48, a hybrid popeye
  10. Thanks Clyde. Now that you mention it; I do remember you posting about this last April. Nantucketdink, I take it that your sarcasm is because you don't own a dictionary. Creditability and credibility are synonyms...sort of like Nantucketdink and Masshole.
  11. Opinions Please. I bid on some items in the recent Morphy's auction this past Friday and Saturday. I have several concerns about this auction. I was on-line Friday, when I bid on a lot and subsequently won said lot. Moments later, I bid on another lot, at $25. When I "clicked" to enter the bid; It immediately ran to $100. And that's what I was stuck with and ultimately won. Monday, I received my invoice and it only reflected the $100 lot. Tuesday, I contacted Morphy's. Left a message and was later contacted by a service rep. I questioned about why the auction I initially won wasn't on the invoice; and was told that it had a reserve, that wasn't met. (But Morphy's later up-dated the auction to show "realized prices" and this lot showed $60 ($50 + $10) which was my bid. If the reserve wasn't met; then how can there be a "realized price"? Next, the service rep tells me that I have a second invoice for another lot that I won. I told the rep that I wasn't aware of any other win. I told the rep to combine the invoices and paid with my credit card. Later, when I checked this lot number; I saw that I had initially lost on this. If I actually had won this particular lot, wouldn't it have been added to my original invoice? Your thoughts.
  12. Called Morphy's and found out that the pair of oxblood corks had a reserve on them. Then I was told that I had won another lot besides the lime-ade oxblood...a 3/4 hybrid popeye! So I had them combine the invoices and paid with my credit card. I have yet to see an invoice for this second mib. And I am skeptical of the combined amount. LOL We shall see!
  13. Just got my invoice email and, lo and behold, I didn't win the corks. During the Live on line bidding; it posted that I had won. Go figure.
  14. I got the pair of oxblood corks, and the limeade oxblood; which I didn't want for a $100. Bidding "Live" the bid jumped right as I clicked on it. Oops! LOL.
  15. Happy Birthday, Gnomepunter! From a fellow Sag (and past customer). Ausman
  16. Happy "Belated" birthday Dani! From one Sag to another. Gary
  17. Mine was a 67 Mustang fastback 390 GT. I bought it brand-new in May of 67.
  18. Thanks jeeperman. Here's a 9/16 inch Alley I bought from Zaboo. Alittle like yours. The pic is Dani's...I still can't get good pics. Lol
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