Opinions Please.
I bid on some items in the recent Morphy's auction this past Friday and Saturday. I have several concerns about this auction. I was on-line Friday, when I bid on a lot and subsequently won said lot. Moments later, I bid on another lot, at $25. When I "clicked" to enter the bid; It immediately ran to $100. And that's what I was stuck with and ultimately won. Monday, I received my invoice and it only reflected the $100 lot. Tuesday, I contacted Morphy's. Left a message and was later contacted by a service rep. I questioned about why the auction I initially won wasn't on the invoice; and was told that it had a reserve, that wasn't met. (But Morphy's later up-dated the auction to show "realized prices" and this lot showed $60 ($50 + $10) which was my bid. If the reserve wasn't met; then how can there be a "realized price"?
Next, the service rep tells me that I have a second invoice for another lot that I won. I told the rep that I wasn't aware of any other win. I told the rep to combine the invoices and paid with my credit card. Later, when I checked this lot number; I saw that I had initially lost on this. If I actually had won this particular lot, wouldn't it have been added to my original invoice?
Your thoughts.