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Everything posted by smitty

  1. I'm wondering if he uploaded the wrong pic, that contemp marble in the pic has at least 5 colors and is obviously new, especially to someone that has sold hundreds of marbles. In the description, he only describes a yellow green popeye, doesn't even mention the lavender and blue.
  2. I've had similar marbles in that color and was pretty sure they were Vitro hybrid chinese checkers. Figured they were from a color change, and not being suitable for the chinese checker games were thrown into the mix for bags or whatever.
  3. I have a few things that Nola may be interested in, hopefully I'll remember to bring them for the parking lot trading.
  4. Thanks for the reminder! Just made my reservation.
  5. This one is only a week and a half from now, stop by if you're in the area!
  6. Looks very similar to the Vacor / Mega Liberty
  7. Oh, and, I don't have the box right in front of me, but I think the marbles were around 3/4 inch.
  8. In order to be a repro, it would have to be a copy of a box originally produced by Peltier. I would consider it a fantasy box and I believe the marbles were produced around the same time as the Novas.
  9. This one. http://www.auctionzip.com/cgi-bin/auctionview.cgi?lid=1388274&kwd=marbles&zip=44663&category=0
  10. repaired and polished to a mint state
  11. http://fox4kc.com/2012/03/03/marble-crazyness-underway-in-bonner-springs/
  12. I don't like the term "mint +" it's like saying "better than perfect"
  13. yep, those all look like vintage wet mint to me!
  14. I just realized that the West Virginia show and the Decatur Illinois show are the exact same dates. Do you think this will have an impact on attendance at either show? Was thinking of going to Decatur this year, but if I have to choose, I would have to go to the WVa. show only because it is so much closer to me.
  15. Mike, you can only get your picture taken after 7 shows, can't help it, it's in the club by-laws
  16. Not true Mike , I see you way in the back of the last picture.
  17. Mike, I don't think marblemiser had a problem with you, he was just stating that the seller added to his description, that you said it wasn't a cyclone.
  18. I didn't take a camera, but I've seen some pictures on facebox and am waiting to see if I have permission to use them. I think it was a very good show, not like the old days, but pretty good by todays standards. Saw lots of new collectors. Show attendees donated over $500 for Alan and signed a card for him, the Buckeye club decided to use some funds from the treasury and make it an even $1000. Our summer show is going to be Aug. 11th, same location.
  19. Well, I'm heading up to the show tomorrow morning, just wanted to let everyone know that the weather forecast looks great! Cold, but clear the rest of the week! There are already some people checked in and I may get antsy and go up tonight. If you were waiting to see what the weather would be like, you may as well start heading this way. "So many Marbles, so little time!" Oh, the actual show is Sat. Feb. 11th from 10:00 to 3:00, with in-room trading already happening. Holiday Inn, Canton,Ohio, Belden Village area. Hotel # 330-494-2770
  20. You spelled it right. He's on my facebook friends list, you could message him from there.
  21. The show is only a month away! You only have until Jan. 18th to reserve a room and get the group discount. I know some people are waiting to see what the weather will be like. I would suggest reserving a room now, to lock in the discount and then you can cancel later if you need to. The reservation number is 330-494-2770 Call that number before the 18th! The show is Sat. Feb. 11th and people are arriving as early as tuesday Feb. 7th. Mention the Buckeye Marble Club when you call.
  22. http://www.auctionzip.com/cgi-bin/photopanel.cgi?listingid=1274403&category=0&zip=44663&kwd A few more pics were added
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