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greenvwbug last won the day on October 13 2021

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  1. Found a Manchester New Hampshire ad in the Manchester union leader paper advertising cotes master loaf bread,if you enlarge you can see the logo on the bread next is some content that I have found i do have the ad,the pin back and one of the advertising Disney cards,thought it was interesting to find things that went with the marble
  2. Size 21/32,I would say mint,but not sure how to grade the print,thoughts.
  3. If you search,I had put up the sample box showing the different varieties
  4. I don’t think it’s been touched up,the original one at least,I have the box,the car,the box of marbles and the wrapping paper it came in
  5. Just picked up this one,odd it’s not painted at all,no trace of paint except for the green hanging thing..just curious thoughts on this,I have added pics of my original one with paint
  6. I think sparkler,not all have 5 colors,kind of dull in colors but I think it is one anyways
  7. Some can be very beautiful..lots of varieties
  8. Been awhile..An akro unique box with a few rows of oxblood..
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