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Everything posted by westcoast_dave

  1. Glad to see you posting again Disco, I missed seeing your nice Akro photos. That tub gave me a headache when I tried sorting them all lol.
  2. Thanks for the input. I notice the rainbo's with metallic-looking bubbles are on the nicer end of the spectrum of rainbo's, with very nice looking glass. Maybe there was something Peltier was doing intentionally? I have no clue, but it did make some awesome looking marbles.
  3. I should be more careful with the term "older" lol. I meant older as in Wales pincher old or before the iridescent era if that makes any sense.
  4. What kind of crazy concoction caused these metallic looking bubbles? Do you see them on other makers? They look like small liquid metal bubbles. I've seen more than several rainbo types with them. Just thought this could start some interesting discussion. Where are the glass guys/gals at?
  5. Cool pics! thank you for sharing. Nothing like freshly farmed mibs.
  6. Thanks for the tip. I've been meaning to take before and after photos but haven't gotten around to it yet. I'll try to have some before the week is up (magic eraser included).
  7. Well Vance at least you stumped me lol. I'm no good at these stone marbles. Have a few I should post for ID too.
  8. I think it's an older Imperial marble.
  9. Thanks for giving it a whirl godown. Glad it worked for you. Now I don't feel like the only crazy guy erasing rust on marbles lol. I used a couple different erasers and found out not all erasers work on the rust. 1 pink eraser did nothing, another pink eraser did very little but my trusty large green eraser still works like magic. I did run into one marble that had some really stubborn rust and it took about 10 times the time to remove it than most other marbles.
  10. They look like euro sparklers to me Dindo. I wonder if they go to 1.5", that would be awesome. I really enjoy the foreign marbles too Mr. Meteorite, sometimes its harder to find a perfect one because they seem to have so many more as-mades than American-made marbles. (orange peel, deep sheer marks, out of rounds etc.)
  11. Wow, never seen the 1" Ajax before. Anyone know how large the Euro Sparklers go? I recently found an extra large one that is 1-3/32" (1.09").
  12. This is one of my favorite marbles I own. I call it my Sunkist sparkler.
  13. Well, that solves my curiosity. Thanks all.
  14. Real bag or Fantasy bag? If real, this is the most awesome bag contents I've ever seen. If fake, I just wonder why someone would take the time to do this and risk dinging up those nice marbles. The texture of the photo actually looks identical to the real old marble king ads (if that makes any sense at all). I see Akro eggyolk oxbloods, premium type Peltier marbles and alley's. What do you see??
  15. Haven't seen it. I'm not active on Facebook.....yet, but it sounds like a beaut.
  16. Thanks for the lead godown. Eggie, any chance you can post a photo of all your opaques? Would be very informative for me.
  17. Thanks for the replies. I'll be on the hunt for some opaques now. How about you Eggie? How's your luck with the opaques? The two you posted in the beginning are awesome.
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