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Everything posted by westcoast_dave

  1. A few more views of the ox marble. Pretty sure i posted this one on the forum at some point in the past. Akro "Golden Eggyolk", all the orange color is subsurface.
  2. 23/32", a bit on the larger side....good to see you post Ric!
  3. Sounds like a killer marble Sam.....can't wait to get my hands on a copy.
  4. Interesting little ebay item, hillbilly made from 2 cracked marbles....
  5. From the photos, the marble looks like it's been polished.
  6. Anyone heard from Ann? Haven't seen her here in a while. She used to keep this forum busy.
  7. I can see this book selling out completely. Is that a green hornet on the back cover?
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