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Everything posted by westcoast_dave

  1. westcoast_dave


    Thank you for the close-ups Mike. Beauties.
  2. westcoast_dave


    Beep Beep. I'm outside Ann....
  3. westcoast_dave


    Wouldn't mind seeing that big slag up close Mike.
  4. Stunning marble. Sometimes less is more.
  5. Imperials love to impersonate. Darn good at it too.
  6. Niiiiice one. Send it out west if you get bored with it lol.
  7. Today would have been Clyde Tuller's (R.I.P) 53rd birthday. Happy Bday Clyde! He was a serious peltier collector and friend, and the photo below is one of the marbles he was very proud to own. If you have lost a fellow marble collector (and many of us have), post a pic of one of their marbles with their name.
  8. No aventurine Ric. None on others i've seen either. Haven't heard of a green sunset yet but i think i might know a marble that fits that description. A six ribbon marble?.
  9. Creme Soda would be a pretty darn catchy name for a marble. I've always been an Orange Crush fan.
  10. Yup Pelt has a Green Fizz. Hard marble to photograph. You can ID a fizz by the ribbons. It has 4 opaque white ribbons and two clear lime green ribbons that are UV reactive. Base is clear colorless but might appear greenish because the clear green ribbons blend in with the base.
  11. Big value indeed. Very nice contents. Original to the box?
  12. Cool photo Ric, very Warhol-ish of you. I've always been intrigued at how the thread-like filaments disappear in bright light. Peltier sure had a trick or two up the sleeve.
  13. Neat marble. The color combo reminds me of this faceted pontil oxblood slag.
  14. Great looking patches Mike.
  15. Not very exciting but not easy to find either. When i look at them, i wonder if they were intended to be banana cats eye marbles that went patch. These two below belong to charles (moremarbles4me) and they are similar to the ones i have.
  16. The top one is a very dirty white color, almost light grey.
  17. Great thread. I have never seen a peltier black banana in an original bag. The closest one i've seen is this one posted at joemarbles.com, and it appears a shade of lavender? Maybe one has been found at the peltier site? Ima_ddicted, i would love to see photos of the cats with aventurine. This one is a clear brown banana that i believe is peltier but not found in an original bag. I believe Chad's cats eye to be a master. Here is a bag i recently opened of master cats eyes (apologies to the bag enthusiasts). These 7 black/purple cats were inside. Of the 7, 4 have peltier like banana veins, some with bubbles and some without. This is a close up of the bubbly one. This group of black/purple cats were also pulled from original master glass bags. Some have champagne glass, some light blue glass.
  18. Vacor. This is a real Peltier brown bee with aventurine.
  19. I believe the Peltier "Orange Crush" comic marble to be extremely rare.
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