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Everything posted by westcoast_dave

  1. Yes, peltier bruiser. The patterns can get swirly and seem less patch-like.
  2. The blue on the bruisers is a lot darker, and it's a patch-style marble. The blue panthers have 4 black/brown ribbons on a light baby blue base. Peltier Blue Panther
  3. The bruiser's opaque-look is a very nice optical illusion. Bruisers will almost always have fine brown filaments in their green transparent base, you can see them if you put a high powered light to it. The more desirable ones IMO have heavy filaments and give the marble a translucent/opaque look when backlit.
  4. Very sorry to hear about this. Spent a lot of time with Clyde. IMO, one of the great marble minds of our time. He shared a lot of knowledge with others. The hobby will not be the same without you buddy. R.I.P
  5. Wasn't kidding about the sock for a sack Dan. Used a large tube sock and it was great for holding all the school yard winnings.
  6. You are still firmly rooted in reality Ann. The bulgarians that i have seen in hand all have a single pontil, often sloppy looking and very roughly ground. The glass has a newer less dense feel to it, very bubbly.
  7. Mibstified posted this marble that i believe to be a peltier white feathered slag, very sparse white. I also have a similar sparse example with a bit more slag-looking action that i will post after photographing.
  8. Before it's independence, Ukraine was referred to as The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. That could be why some still hold on to the "the". One of my peeve's is the use of the phrase "game changer". It drives me nuts when I'm watching the political news and I hear the phrase, "this could be a real game changer".
  9. In the last photo of the G rebel, there's a red spot in between the ribbons. Can we get another view of that?
  10. Wish i knew the answer to that one. "Hard to find" would probably be the more appropriate term but definitely limited as compared to other types.
  11. I recommend a few new CAC's to ease the pain.
  12. Very sad to hear this news. He will be missed and his enthusiasm for the hobby will not be forgotten. Condolences to his family and all who knew him.
  13. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for the old Peltier site after the clean-up. Here's a link to an article from the Newstribune paper last week. http://newstrib.com/main.asp?SectionID=2&SubSectionID=27&ArticleID=33867
  14. Nice looking pair. I believe Lizzy's mystery marbles are Kokomo.
  15. Yes, originally purchased it from marble Alan in the fall of 2011. It now belongs to Randy Conway.
  16. It's not quite as green in brighter light. Here's another look.
  17. Paul, the ones with midnight blue are a fav of mine too. Here's one that has some midnight on it and purple too.
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