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Everything posted by westcoast_dave

  1. Here are some close ups from a bulgarian score....most are unplayed with. First ones i've had in hand. Any thoughts?
  2. These are stunning in hand......and also quite minty.
  3. Morphys auction also listed it as CAC, here's the auction of the same exact marble with more angles. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/9556907
  4. The guinea has a seam in the later photos. Craig, you have a blue ray with the exact same colors....
  5. I have one but it's a different color leather.
  6. Strange marble. Looks vitro to me as well.
  7. Its either been torched or it's modern. Seller has some other questionable items as well.
  8. Doesn't seem to have enough clear for a popeye, I think Ric had it right with lazy corkscrew. Nice colors for sure.
  9. I believe those are called sweet peas Dan, great marbles.
  10. The small peewees threw me off. lol. Would of been great if they had made the wolverines in shooter size too. The baddog looks more like a good dog to me.
  11. Sorry to steer off the subject but what size is the wolverine in this photo? Also the size of the two killer rainbo's on the bottom corners.
  12. Great score, I really like the green tracing the brown in the last group.
  13. Great lookin' pelts....keep em' comin.
  14. Great idea Craig, would love to see more of the CAC beauties. Mike, the prices on those snotties is very fair, the blue lace doesn't bring much at auction but i think they are undervalued.
  15. Good grief thats a great marble. Thanks for sharing that fine specimen.
  16. Very unusual pelt patch, its a keeper.
  17. Whenever I'm in Nebraska i'll make sure to stop by that fine establishment. Was nice to get to meet you in person CAC Mike, had a great time talkin marbles.
  18. That seller knows darn well that's not an Akro.......been seeing more and more jabos being passed off as akro's on the bay lately. Just feel bad for the new collectors who buy them thinking they are something they are not.
  19. I don't think that's a very respectful way to talk of a deceased collector.
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