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Everything posted by joesmarbles

  1. Thanks Steph, I'll forward the photos.....Joe
  2. After taking the marble out into the Daylight and photographing it I believe the base is green and not blue so "Flaming Dragon"/////// I have two more photos but the sight would not allow them because of to many gigs. Steph if you send me e-mail address again I will forwared the photos to you and maybe you can post them, Thanks to all.....Joe McDonough
  3. Hi all,here of the are the photos of the peewee. The color of the base looks green in the photos but in hand it looks blue. Four ribbons of red yellow and orange.
  4. Will try to get pictures posted tomorrow. I don't have a camera but my brother will take a few so they can be posted.....Joe McDonough
  5. Hi all, I just bought a small group of marbles, all Akro corkscrews except for one Peltier peewee superboy. It is in mint condition, measures at 1/2 inch, great colors red, yellow and orange with black outline. Haas anyone else found one of these????? Thanks.....Joe McDonough
  6. I have been giving my money away to children for more than thirty years, funny thing is I have more money now than I have ever had! Very strange. I guess that saying" cast your bread upon the waters" works sometime.....Joe McDonough
  7. Million dollar smiles from the children I do magic for, every child gets a magic quarter and I get a million dollar smile, great investment.....Joe McDonough
  8. That you have them brings me joy, as I told Ann, you have a treasure, i am honored to be able to bring them to you.....Joe McDonough
  9. Thanks Bill, they came from my house to Alan and to you, great to see my old friends again. Did you save the listing or the paper work?.....Joe McDonough
  10. Hi Fentonacres, good luck trying to find one, the fifty five in steph's post will never be sold.....Joe McDonough
  11. Hi Steph and all, an interesting fact about the peltier honey amber bananas, the yellow bananas are not yellow but pure white and appear yellow because of the honey amber color of the base marble..... Joe McDonough
  12. A REALLY BIG SLINGSHOT.....Joe McDonough
  13. He was referring to the flavorings he had sprayed on to marble to make it shine so beautifully(Mint) yummy.....Joe McDonough
  14. Some girls also played marbles and WON, for proof positive visit the Marble Museum favorite collections for photographic proof of said statement.....Joe McDonough
  15. Hi Galen, the only small group I donated was 10 Peltier Honey Amber Bananas to be sold to help pay Alan's expenses. could you please provide a photo of the marbles , Thanks.....Joe McDonough
  16. Ann, the 55 in the photo are going to my grandchildren, so now you know where 57 are.....Joe McDonough
  17. Hi Ann, If you recall Alan's post when listing these, there is only one source for them, I am the source and no more will ever be sold, you have a treasure , best wishes.....Joe Mcdonough
  18. The statement from any potential buyer would be " Prove It"......Joe McDonough
  19. As I have discussed before on this forum, I had advised Alan Basinet to sell all his high priced marbles. If it has a value high enough to make a profit it is being reproduced somewhere in the world.Very little in this world is not reproducible right now, most rare gems known to man, even diamonds are being produced in factories. I would advise anyone with really valuable items to sell them and take their profit or suffer the loss later of reproductions flooding the market. So Far as I know now silver and gold are safe although many counterfeits are out there, still the specific gravity and measurements cannot be duplicated. Good luck to those holding these items.....Joe McDonough
  20. I suggest you go to the national marble museum and download and printout copies of the national champions I donated to the museum. the boys riding the Elephant from Nay Aug park in Scranton, Esther the female marble player and other 1920's/1930 Champions would make a great backdrop for your display.....Joe McDonough
  21. Hi Steph, If you feel like a brain-eating zombie don't go to D.C., you'll die of starvation! No brains in D.C. .....Joe McDonough
  22. Hi Leroy, Laughter is "The Best Medicine", Stay well.....Joe McDonough
  23. Leroy I know who it was! It was a guy who knew a guy who was a cousin of a guy whose name was GUY.....Joe McDonough
  24. Great, if you don't let me know.....Joe
  25. Steph, If you can't find the original flyer I will send another to you to post if you wish.....Joe
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