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Everything posted by savage-28

  1. He has listed some sweet CAC's. I especially like this one... http://www.ebay.com/itm/291103228501?redirect=mobile
  2. Who or where does it say that the bright colored marbles were made in England?
  3. It kind of looks like an Akro Corkscrew, but more pictures would be needed to know for sure.
  4. Can you see the light wear, that was mentioned, from the pics?
  5. Either way it has little value. I would prefer it polished, so at least you can admire its true beauty. Just my opinion.
  6. Oldmarblenut, Thanks for your insight! zaboo, I've seen red and oxblood on the same marble before, just don't recall seeing one having oxblood that gradually turned into red. Anyway, the oddballs & freaky marbles are my favorite! I see your point about it being dug, if so, it's in great shape for having been throw in the dirt, lol!
  7. The pic you referred to, the middle one, is the reason I asked the question. At the top of the middle patch, it looks like it starts out as oxblood then gradually turn to dark red then get lighter in color. It almost seems like it was hotter in that one spot, burning the color into oxblood. Just my ignorant way of justifying it in my head, lol.
  8. No it's not polished. What makes you think it's a dug marble?
  9. I purchased a marble recently, that has oxblood, but also has some dark red that isn't oxblood. I doubt the ox was intentional, perhaps a little was left from the previous batch. Can dark red accidentally turn into ox, if the right conditions exist? Here's the mib I'm referring to. Hope this link still works. http://www.ebay.com/itm/201038800564
  10. Yeah, I thought long and hard on it, but with the wear you mentioned, I just couldn't pull the trigger. I'm curious to see if the wear on his marbles is true to the pics, or if its some sort of photographing anomaly?? Because his grades don't correspond to what I'm seeing in his pics.
  11. I didn't think he was jumping on you. I thought he was simply stating a rebuttal to your opinion. I think these types of conversations are thoe best on the forum... It forces those with opinions, to make detailed accounts to express their point. Which is great for sharing info and teaching others. Keep it up!
  12. No way you're only going to post one pic!! How about some more pics of the one with mica.
  13. Didn't you just post some black Latticinio's, that you just bought, also?? Finding old handmade's with black in them, isn't easy..lol.
  14. I like the odd ones that don't fit into any particular category, but like this marble, many collectors tend to think they are contemporary.
  15. So, do you think this is an antique or contemporary marble?
  16. I think it's pretty cool! You always have interesting marbles!
  17. Are you referring to someoldsomenew's marble?
  18. FWIW, is wasn't implying that it was contemporary, but I'm sure there are doubters. It's just that I've never seen one like this! This is a special marble, which I doubt there are many others like it!
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