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Everything posted by 1Alleynut

  1. Looks like they have plenty of buddies to hang out with, DB.
  2. I noticed the metalic stripe on the MCS real quick, thats a nice one as well,nice score overall, nice MM tigers eyes as well Lovin the limey, Dave B.
  3. MMMMM good enough!! Sweet Marble, the big Alley you took photos of are very tough to get a good visual on the AV, I have a few in hand they look great, super Av on most, also very soft glass, most are damaged a bit, nice bright flame pattern though, I'm just a flame pig, Dave B.
  4. I like that information best, In hand you would swear they have a little age, and the black residue makes sense, they are both full of it, I had no thoughts of them being antique or vintage, just somewhere older than the 80's Thanks Hansel, I feel much better,so where would we draw the line on Modern?? after 1970?? DB.
  5. My thoughts exactly Steph,. the tightlines in glass are rather tough to locate DB.
  6. How about a blow up of the lime green yellow and orange?? Please DB.
  7. I like the Tight one's so much, I've tried to reproduce them in clay, DB.
  8. some also referred to as Spaghetti swirls with very busy interiors that actually resemble spaghetti on the interior of the marbles looping back and forth and all over the place, while others tend to be or make a tighline flame action, these are the ones that I'm always searching for, the ones with the Colored base glass, I was told from A German Dealer are older than the clear base types, dating to the late 20's through the early 30's while the clear base with the 2 color spaghetti types were made from tha late 50's into the early 60's And Vacor had produced some with a pink base glass with white ribbons, here are some of the later ones, both types are made with very soft glass, very difficult to find (wet mint) examples most all of every size have an issue of some sort, general fleas, chips, and or missing glass, I prefer the colored glass to the newer ones, some of the older two colors can get pricey, Dave B.
  9. Some Alley and Champion transparent swirls are often called wirepulls due to there weblike interior patterns, The European/German examples, as shown in the net bag, most often found in larger sizes 7/8ths to 1in Ive purchased numerous lots from Germany and the UK, some being older than others, I should start a post on these at some point in time there are what I would call sub families to the German Types, DB.
  10. wow!! Great photos, It seems fairly obvious that Champions Furnace runs were some of the best marbles the company ever produced, more action and color than a Star Wars movie, DB.
  11. Jeff,Look foward to seeing some, I started with handmades as well,Welcome to another new member besides myself, Dave B.
  12. It could be Uranus, Ive made my fair share that look like Uranus, when I was trying for Jupiter, those thing happen, did I here you say something of Akro?? I think you'll find them easy, Dave B
  13. I'd say its not a bead, but its close enough for the Bisquits & Gravy for me, The Marble is yours!! PM your Address, Dave B.
  14. Thanks Scott, for the info, Im just a color junkie,no marbles were present that day, so I had to make do with some large beads that I know absolute zero about, I thought they would do in a pinch, for some color anyway,the offer is still open for the Brick Lutz Flame, Its a sweet one!! dave b.
  15. Scott It was great meeting you in Canton, I think your marbles are other planetary, and I felt I should have bought more, and will in the near future, because they kick big jumbo Ass,Dave B. heres a few of the same canes SWEEEET!!
  16. Great photo's and thank you for the information reguarding the Chinese beads, and if you can get the photos on a caliper to verfy the size the marble is your's, or anyones who can come up with the photo, you can see what I'm saying about the unifomity of your beads, all perfectly arranged on their interiors, my Large ones are far from perfect, really kind of scattered, but I'll take your opinion because I have not seen any locally before,in the Large size That is, there are a few Antique shows a year across the street at the Fairgrounds, I see the type of strands your holding in your hand there all the time, and at local flea markets they are common and cheap, Im only referring to the Large ones, Thanks again for the great information, Perhaps I'll post some interesting marbles, More my Bag anyway, Dave B.
  17. I'm going to put this forth, thank you for the nice beads comment, To all of those who see these that I have posted and say they are 5.00 each or less, find me a pair the same size I have shown, with a pair of calipers on them, look at the photo of the Calipers I'm not talking about 1/2 or 3/8ths beads 1 3/8th inches show me a photo of some anyone here ownes, and verify the size,with calipers in your photo, the must be multi color Millifiori Cobalt blue or Emerald green base, and this 1 1/16th Brick Lutz Flame I made is yours for free,I betcha Can't Do It, Lets Go with 24hrs, and the clock starts now!! Dave B.
  18. Thank you for the information Danny,It is greatly appreciated, I'm thinking here that there is a massive size differential in the strand beads and the ones I'm showing, also the uniform style of the strand beads indicates they are modern made to look like vintage venitian beads, which the new ones are common and I've seen them around here on numerous occasions, more or less someone would have to see these in hand to make a verified assesment of their age, the smaller beads are all over the place, (strand Types ) at 1 3/8th inches these are the only ones Ive ever seen, that even appear to have some age in this size, If anyone here is going to the first Annual Des Moines Iowa Marble show, I will take them there for some chat and inspection, Other than that thanks for your information, Dave B.
  19. I find that kinda tough to swallow, a strand of these in this size for under $5.00 ???
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