So I was doing a little research and discussing rare pelts with a friend. As I was googling rare pelts I came across a name I didn't recognize "green goblin". When I found a pic, it resembled a green lantern but with the addition of purple to the mix. Upon further reading, I saw that some believed there to be only 3 of these known to exist in the marble collectors world!?!
My friend then passed along a photo of some pelt rarities (the photo came from Chuck Garrett, she said). It contained a green goblin along with a few others I've never heard of! Such as "seller's dream", "silver surfer", and " sun dragon". Just wondering if there is a count on any of these as well? Or if they are just one of a kind examples?
Sorry can't post the photo right now. I'm at work, and an unable to post pics with iPhone. Maybe Steph will see this and help me out! Lol