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Everything posted by MarbleDawg86

  1. If Clyde said it was, that's all the proof I need!
  2. That's an interesting one Burt... Not sure if I would've guessed pelt had I seen it in another thread!
  3. Wow wow wow! That is one outstanding color combo!!! Do you think it was meant to be made this way?? Or was it just a few error marbles that came out of the end/beginning of a green lantern run? Another question... If there are only 3, who named them? Or any of the rare ones? I understand how the mainstream runs were nicknamed, but these rarer ones, are they newly named?
  4. So I was doing a little research and discussing rare pelts with a friend. As I was googling rare pelts I came across a name I didn't recognize "green goblin". When I found a pic, it resembled a green lantern but with the addition of purple to the mix. Upon further reading, I saw that some believed there to be only 3 of these known to exist in the marble collectors world!?! My friend then passed along a photo of some pelt rarities (the photo came from Chuck Garrett, she said). It contained a green goblin along with a few others I've never heard of! Such as "seller's dream", "silver surfer", and " sun dragon". Just wondering if there is a count on any of these as well? Or if they are just one of a kind examples? Sorry can't post the photo right now. I'm at work, and an unable to post pics with iPhone. Maybe Steph will see this and help me out! Lol
  5. Very pretty. But I'd have to agree with alley.
  6. Thanks all for the info! These are not mine actually, they belong to a friend. She'll be thrilled with the confirmed id
  7. Thanks for posting these, Steph.
  8. here are a couple of photos courtesy of Rich Shelby's website, santasbling.com. These are early examples of what were known as Jabo Classics.... You may see the resemblences.
  9. Look jabo to me... I'll do some digging
  10. Bought this old wooden coin holder over the summer... It works nicely.
  11. Very similar to the one in the rope left corner Steph. Same family. What time period are those from?
  12. Does anyone have any pics of blue base with yellow imperials? Looking for a reference to help a friend ID
  13. Alleys... And some darn nice ones too!
  14. Glad to see you found your way here! - Andrew
  15. Bob, you're humor is always greatly appreciated!
  16. I was just about to post the same link! Glad I checked to see if anyone beat me to it!!
  17. Here's a remelt from a damaged 2'' Ribbon Swirl that Rich Shelby made for me.... Unfortunately it was one that didn't make it out the kiln in one piece. So he took what he had to work with and this is what I got... I think it turned out pretty cool! Before After
  18. I agree. No to Jabo. Yes to Alley.
  19. Yes its glass.... bought the little one in a lot off ebay, from zaboo actually, a couple years ago. There were about 15 handmades in the lot altogether, and all glass. Actually........... now you have me second guessing.... I think there were a couple of stone carnelians in the lot..... So maybe not glass. How can I tell? Without smashing it.... lol
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