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Everything posted by MarbleDawg86

  1. This was marked as a pelt Hercules when I bought it here a while back. Is there such a thing? either way, it's a pretty cool rainbo. Just looking for a little info, thinking about selling it.
  2. Its a transparent red with white stripes.... The light coming in throught the red makes it look like multiple shades I suppose. Also some of the white blended with the red to make an orangy color on the poles.
  3. I've recently placed this marble on eBay, and to my surprise I've receive A LOT of attention from it... I also placed a similar blue one that doesn't have even one person watching. So what I'm wondering, is the red a little harder to come by?? Here's the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Antique-German-Machine-Made-Red-White-Striped-Transparent-Marble-/141353453458?pt=Marbles&hash=item20e9528792
  4. I have several in the same color.... But not that size. Nice find.
  5. Oxblood is at .605" and the purple is .618"
  6. The oxblood was supposedly an akro experimental when I bought it... But I wanted to get another opinion or two
  7. Thanks! It looks like a tiger (black and orange) until backlit.... It's definitely different... At least for my collection
  8. alright, here are two of them. thanks for any help!
  9. No problem. I'll get some pics on here as soon as possible.
  10. I have a few similar to the purple one in the top right corner.... I have a white one, and an oxblood one. The base is clear and the pattern looks a lot like a wirepull. Any idea on maker?
  11. Wow, I like the blue! You don't see that too often!
  12. 5/8" Dark Amber Transparent Base, Bright Orange and White Stripes.... A name or just a common rainbow?
  13. 21/32" Blue on Black 5/8"Transp Red on Mustard Yellow (Not sure if this isn't Akro) 11/16" Red on Yellow
  14. I know that the pearlized peerless are among the rarest, but I've read that there are other rare peerless patch color combos out there... Anybody have any examples? I have a couple I think are pelts... I'll upload pics later.
  15. FANTASTIC MARBLES! I'll keep an eye on these myself! Best of luck with your sales!
  16. Darn it Chuck! You're makin' me hungry! Lol Thanks for the name id's!
  17. Thanks Clyde! The condition on these are really nice actually.... The photos are bad lol. What look like chips or pin pricks are bubble under the surface... Best I can tell these just suffer a little pocket wear, so not super wet glossy, but still look a little shiny! Lol thanks for the input!
  18. Are these anything special? Both are about 21/32" pic 1&2 are the same. 3-5 are the other.
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