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Everything posted by sarab

  1. Steph and cheese: possible hybrid pic and possible vacor. Also......I don't think I have Aces, checked last night, they were translucent though, so Prizes, 3 of them.
  2. cheese: popeye grouping which includes the 2 you pointed out in first group mixed pic and the green bubbly one. I personally could not see red on it, but it does have a neat feature on it. do you think it is a clown?
  3. cheese: pics of blue/wht/yellow pelt and org/wht possible transitional.
  4. the last grouping from top right section of Pelts:
  5. another group from top right section of Pelts:
  6. another group from top right Pelts:
  7. cheese, closer photos of top right section of pelts: one grouping picture per post
  8. cheese: here are better pics of the 2 from left middle section, red/blk/wht, and blue/red/wht....
  9. Steph, here's the mystery marble you asked about, 3 pics.
  10. I'm working on specific individual photos of everything I've heard an interest in or questions about. Should be ready tomorrow. thanks for the interest and the helpful information.
  11. thank you Ann, kind of like mushroom hunting!
  12. I'm making a list of what the camera lens will focus on this evening after work. I don't think it is coating. I just looked at what a hybrid popeye is from mc.com and, the one I think cheese is looking at that is a hybrid, it has a definite red ribbon between the green and yellow and I think the one above it does too. Is a flash light adequate for back lighting? A 60W reg old lightbulb?
  13. Will look for fire this evening. Thank you! I appreciate the date info you throw in too. No one has said anything about the big white translucent on the far right? I checked it because I had been reading about moonies. Well, it had an orange-ish glow, but I thought that was coming from the pinky-pearly-milky insides. Will fire be like a halo? Or could it be just a bit of glow, intermittent. Maybe I should try and find an on-line picture of an Ace.
  14. Thank you for the compliment. Sorting the best I could the last couple of days, but a swirl around an orb is corky to me. However, from what I've learned today, I will be resorting. I'm not sure of too much! Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
  15. cheese: what is pekt mcs? did you mean Pelt?
  16. that's not one top section middle?
  17. cheese: how should I take more pics of the ones you suggested? individual? the chinese import is one my daughter found a couple years ago and I just tossed it in the jar....gasp, I know. thanks for letting me know it's modern....I looked at pics of transitionals last evening and started to get excited. Also, with Steph's comments about marbles with 9's being better, I guess I should look for those too and maybe retake pics. So helpful, I love this.
  18. Wow, that is so fast! thank you cheese. Question: see in the blk and wht corkscrew section, top far left? what is that material? it's all grainey and rough, doesn't feel glass like, it feels very rough. is it glass that has been really abused, or is it just some other material? Then the poor broken little brown Bennington next to it.
  19. need help with these please..oh, the poor blue slag? in the middle...beat to heck. I seriously doubt I have any close to mint in my collection. 40 years and many moves and no marble knowledge.
  20. need help with these please...looks like a stray clay rolled into that frame.
  21. need help with this group please
  22. need help with these please, although I know there are clay and clearies there
  23. maybe superman, spiderman,cubscout, a silver oxblood far right, maybe other oxbloods or carnelians, I don't know. I keep looking for black filaments, like I've read, but sometimes I see in books and they don't have the blk filament.
  24. need help with these, but isn't bottom right a Vitro Agate Tiger Eye?
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