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Everything posted by sarab

  1. Darla, just because you don't have a bud yet, doesn't mean you won't. Be patient and don't over water. Also, if the bulb is in too big a pot, sometimes it takes longer for bud to show. Generally, a good performance of indoor blubs, or any flowering potted plant, is increased when it's slightly pot-bound. You are forcing the plant to grow up and out rather than it spending more energy down below.
  2. The blue/yellow circled one has been identified previously as a bifurcated pelt and the other one has yet to be identified. Darla, I remember you wanted more pics of it...brown squiggly lines.
  3. Thank you Illhavethat1.
  4. Those are cool. I've got some similar. What is it about little things with little precious details that we all like so much? It's 3 part mystery, history, and beauty.
  5. I like those. With tan, in that marble, the focus becomes the ribbon formation rather than overload of colors and formation. Really pretty
  6. C and F both cork. D and E are patches.
  7. Again, thank you Steph. The Chinese checkerboard are mystery marbles to me, sifted from the ones already confirmed from ones in box. For the mysteries, I tried to face the most damage so folks could see.
  8. Title: 'Antique Marble Hunters Guide to the Universe'. Author: R.E. 'Bob' Cunningham pgs: 193 Hardcover big print, big pictures "A must have book" quoted by Ernie Kirk, President of the International Association of Marble Collectors. "Best photography ever, it's just like holding the marble in your hand" quoted by Lee Batterton, Curator/owner of Lee's Legendary Marble Museum, York, NE. "Great pictures, shows the needed details for all levels of collectors" quote by Jeff Franke, nationally known marble collector Bob Cunningham's contact info, although he said it is or would be available on Amazon. [email protected] 812.498.5410
  9. also, thanks for posting the 7-Up photo. I do not have one, as Steph asked a couple days ago about one of mine in a group photo.
  10. I see mib frequently, what does it stand for?
  11. I really like the picture of the 100 count swirls. Guineas are pretty too. What do I need books for? So many good things on this site.
  12. I think I have a bunch of those. I have them in a separate box, didn't bother to post here....could though. Are they desirable Steph?
  13. I have decided that he will not be leaving my home with any marbles the same day. If he makes offer, I'll just have to learn more before I can answer as I have nothing to go off of....I ordered the price guide, which, I've learned may not be the best resource. This is where time and experience in this hobby is so valuable. Thanks for the onxy info. I just read about Christiansen and Akro and the history of both companies with it. I learned today there's a woman in my office whose grandmother has an un-identified lot of marbles. I told her I would help her with them when she is ready. I'm not a pro, but I know a lot more than I did 5 days ago. Paying it forward. Got my storage containers ordered.
  14. No, it's not, I didn't have that color combination in my popeye group. I'll try and remember to pull that one aside. I know with the continued sorting, the cream is starting to rise to the top, but there's more to do.
  15. Thanks for the considerations...I'm scouring looking for a clear cut picture. Maybe the appraisor guy I told you about will be able to determine as he comes tomorrow. I got the message on the red Akro! Thank you. What Akro specifically? I was just on MC.com and Alan's page and can't find it. Is it a striped carnelian? Also, while on Alan's page, I saw a transitional slag.......different from a corkscrew? I'm thinking of my black and white ones.
  16. oh now, the newbie chimes in. if you look at the very last picture, you can see where the green stops, and the yellow and red continue. so wouldn't you expect the 3 to run together if it was a blend? Since 1 color stops, and 2 carry on, maybe no blend between the green and yellow?
  17. It is red. I just love that little rainbo, like a little window into it's little marble soul...goofy.
  18. Sure thing Darla. Look for it tomorrow. Let me know if there are others.
  19. I've been looking at ways to store marbles, and I found on LandofMarbles, Show-Offs, which look practical and economical. Are you familiar with them? Thank you cheese.
  20. cheese: possible Special cork, red/wht/blue above center.
  21. here are the 2 biggest Pelts with 2 other sizes. little clay to show scale. this is horribly washed out/over-exposed, I'm sorry. Since I've taken all these extra photos, I have read folks tips and tricks on picture taking...like a gray sweatshirt, something flat and neutral. Next time.
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