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Everything posted by sarab

  1. my NLR's were the first type I got the most excited about when I joined MC and had so much great and kind help. It's their intense color and seams that are unmistakable. I've still got them.
  2. I like your photo Bob. What if you took the banana fruit and put it inside a clear balloon? Would love to see a picture of that! -S
  3. i'm glad you relocated the possum. poor little opportunistic creatures. I can't believe the "don't-start-crossing-the-road" gene hasn't evolved itself out.
  4. sweet smelling Iris. Mine won't be in bloom till April or later. I've the most beautiful 'Black Beauty' variety.
  5. love the morning glory pictures....one of those plants that propagate best when it's seed is scarified before planting. Soak in water overnight, it breaks the hard seed shell. Similar to how forest fires, while devastating, actually can help plant rejuvenation.
  6. female birds almost always get the short end of the pretty/flashy stick.....'tis better to hide the nest!
  7. The green heads are male mallard ducks, the tannish-striped are the female mallards and the dark gray are coots. Be happy to be a bird resource even if I can't help with marbles!
  8. hi Bob, glad you are enjoying your bananas, keep 'em warm and safe!
  9. if you have some house plants, you could poke them in the dirt, or elevate them within a hollowed out rod..like mini decorative gazing globes. those are cool.
  10. foxy! Another nice nature shot.
  11. the sounds of a fire in my fireplace, and cuckoo-clock ticking...that's it, and it's so nice.
  12. I may not know my marbles, but I really like those. They look so quality, so rich.
  13. I love reading these old advertisements that you and others post. The energy just jumps off the page. When marketing was only dependent on words, not pictures and flash. Oh, and "perfectly round".....is that possible?
  14. those are really pretty....sushi and zebra.
  15. photo 2, thank you...any executive decision on red/green?
  16. seriously, an adult eagle? how close are you to it? I'll say it again, you are so lucky hypocritter...blessed? lucky?
  17. 5 of 5, by the way, as far as a seam, I don't think there is one, I'm not seeing it with my eye, nor do I feel it with my fingernail. If they are modern, then so be it, but I cannot for the life of me recall gathering them up. Between life, and wine, it's possible I'm missing a detail or two.....
  18. ok, 5 more pictures. I pulled another green/red one out my damage back, poor thing has a huge crack. Steph, thanks for adding that I did have a couple non-vintage strays that had been pulled out a while ago. Negligible qnty...2, I think. Also, green/red ones have white swirled in, kind-of.
  19. I don't understand how they could be Jabo. Didn't they start in early 90's? I haven't added to my collection since the 70's.
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