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Everything posted by sarab

  1. speaking of sorting....do I have like types together well? Please let me know if 1 is not like the others. Some of the slaggy looking things are confusing a little, seems to be the whites in them are the determining factor. Anyway, whatever help you think I might need to sort them better would be appreciated. There are 3 groups. Thanks guys....again.
  2. tried to shine flashlight (LED) down on these to show what I'm seeing as aventurine. I can see sparkly gold when I turn them around in my hand. This picture looks like reflection off the flea bites though!
  3. ok, got it, thanks Steph, like fairy dust on the outside
  4. oh, and the eye is the best. I'm bidding on a dragon eye glass pendant right now from an artist, Boomwire. All of her stuff is made from old Pyrex. Check her sight out, the colors are so beautiful.
  5. Galen, that is so beautiful! Here are my guesses: top of display: 3rd left shelf 1: 1st, 3rd left and 1st and 4th right shelf 2: 3rd let, 2nd right shelf 3: none shelf 4: 1st,4th left shelf 5: 4th left, and 3rd, 4th right shelf 6: 2nd left, 3rd right -Sara
  6. sorry I took a disjointed twist into contemporary marbles from the movie convo....should we start a new topic on contemporaries?
  7. and I was mistaken, it was most likely made by his brother or one of his sons. This little guy was just $6.99 but I'm in love with the simplicity of it. care to share some pictures lstrmmbls?
  8. very pretty banana posing as a long neck squash??
  9. I keep staring at it. I've got it, here's the plan. Buy some springs, spray paint if you desire, slip marble in, hook 'em up. Could even chop up old necklaces and use them as the "spacers" between each spring, like the photo shows.
  10. I bought this marble paperweight (best of both worlds) yesterday on eBay. It's signed by the artist, Jim Davis, of Davis Glass in Pennsboro, WV. Here is his beautiful website, the bulk of his art is contemporary art marbles. Very, very pretty. Anyone here familiar with him? http://www.davismarbles.com/
  11. In mine, Uranium Carnelian.....sounds out of this world.
  12. Love that! I will do something similar with my cats eyes that probably won't be sold on eBay.
  13. Super cool. I think I've seen this type of glass very recently.
  14. 4 re-takes of my possible hybrid. Please vote yes, or no if you think it is indeed 3 true colors. An ace bandage makes a decent backdrop.
  15. aleecee, what photo editing software are you using for your pictures? They are so nice.
  16. This is so hard. Seems like the only way would be to cut them in half. A third color you would expect to see it alone. If no third color, you would expect to see just 2 colors alone. If 2 colors make a 3rd unintentional color, why have those been deemed less desirable? Color is color right? Brown isn't as desirable as red, I get that. How could one ever know without cutting in half if any make of marble has intentional or unintentional colors? I'm sure I'm missing something here.....it's fun to think about though.
  17. sarab

    Post Your Peewees

    it is that deep blood red Steph, but it's just a disconnected line around the marble, it's not like blood-globby in any areas.
  18. sarab

    Post Your Peewees

    with my cutie picture
  19. sarab

    Post Your Peewees

    here's a little cutie 7/16"
  20. I think I have some here, right? Batter up!
  21. super pretty arrangement Winnie...white is so underappreciated
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