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Everything posted by sarab

  1. both Darla and Steph have mentioned backlighting about 2 of my marbles...well, got my little light today and check them out. One I believe is Akro carnelian, the other is a banana with tinted glass.
  2. very cool, thank you Steph. The hyperlink has captured 11 of my 12. The one missing are all my cats eyes and solids. Not a biggie, just informing.
  3. goodie, they are all posted now! Let me know if you want hyperlinks here.
  4. That is what I thought. I have been informed by eBay that they may take up to 24 hours.
  5. the 12 lots are posted, my correct seller ID is boh-sar.
  6. hi, I have posted 12 lots of marbles on eBay, set to go live 9:30 PST. My seller ID is boh-sar. I incorrectly said sar-boh in the Marble ID forum today. Thank you! -Sara
  7. I am posting 12 lots on eBay. Cats eyes, clay, clearies, white corks (all excellent), patches, misc. All are excellent condition. I am holding back my rainbos, NLR, popeyes, slags, for MC Buy, Sell, Trade and possibly eBay. My name is sar-boh. Yes Steph, I should have pulled out the gray sweatshirt. I can grab them and do it again. The slaggy ones on right are purple.
  8. Hi, can you help me with these mostly slag marbles? Damage will be sorted out before selling, unless you see one that you'd like to have regardless. The 2 clear with blue disk in middle? What are those? I haven't seen them in the books I've looked thru, so modern I'm guessing. Darla, the brown-squiggly is in this group. Looks better in this photo.
  9. it's more brown than purple....those pictures are awful. scratch that. I'll try again. Sorry!
  10. Hi Darla, here are pictures of brown-squiggly, sorry for delay!
  11. hi, 3 separate pictures, 3 posts. Sad about the damage.
  12. beautiful! White is such an under-rated flower 'color' in the garden. White flowers in the evening just pop. Some of the best whites have the best fragrance, think jasmine, gardenia. Flowers are funny, seems like the showier, in color, have the least fragrance, and visa-versa. Thanks for posting hypocritter.
  13. I haven't seen Papas, but it makes me think of 'Yentyl'. My mom and I went to see 'Gandhi', I deserve an award for that effort. Harold and Maude, a slightly perverse woman, a perverse boy but truly in love, and Cat Stevens music, a little dark, but mostly twisted. Expectations blown to heck, that's the part I like best.
  14. I always wished I knew someone who loved 'Harold and Maude' as much as I do. It is my favorite movie of all times. Are you familiar lstmmrbls?
  15. A pair of heavy brass candle sticks. The marbles in the bottom kind of look like Indians perhaps?? Don't know, just thought unique.
  16. My favorite is top right..'Plants Under Water'.
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