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Everything posted by J_Ding

  1. Nice rich amber color on the one right up there. Impressive.
  2. Back light this to see if this is teal. At any rate, I think that Akro is a good guess on this one.
  3. I'd think that is a good guess. I won't add another guess.
  4. In line with some of the terrific ghosts and snakes already shown here, will share this one...a blue green hybrid mossy snake (well, what else could it be?). This looks very seriously like a Hubble image of a nebula. Far out! A universe in there. A universe!
  5. I'm pro kelp! That's a nice one!
  6. Sorry, nothing here (there was). I got as far as posting a picture of a really nice Ravenswood...it was a bit outside of focus, so I deleted it for now. No worries. I will post it when the photographs are good.
  7. I would think this is a common occurrence. My wife is very supportive...she's been known to pick jars from antique stores in my absence, with great skills I might add. The rest of people around me seem to tolerate it, or mostly ignore it, probably to prevent me from launching into some sort of extended monologue on the virtues of un-named corks or worse, get me going on slags...in which case I just might not shut up. I really can't blame them. No worries on that sentiment here on the board, that's for sure. John
  8. So nice to see all these 'over the pond' mibs. Keep it up Richard! John
  9. I've got all sort of those blind spots too (I had just re-read that thread tonight, for like, the hundredth time and was reminded to look for that feature...'oh, yeah, I forgot that bit' happens all the time for me, and why shouldn't it...so many little details.
  10. Steph: Not a trick of the camera and has that bit of that green in hand too. I pasted the statement from Nancy's post above where this is indicated in American Machine Marbles. Uranium does give a several wavelengths into the edge of the green I know, and sometimes characteristics of the glass might mask that effect a bit. And you are correct...this one glows a great deal...almost feel the need to don my welding glasses!
  11. So would this be a canary? It's hand gathered (won't image for me), has the orange glow when back lit (not shown either), and that yellow/green vaseline tinge throughout. John
  12. That's right. Big, and I mean big, black hole of uncertainty. But keep them. At some point we might make progress on these. Figuring out what things are, is where is all starts.
  13. Those are nice ones Jessica. I think those would qualify to me....both are noteworthy, but the yellow one is special...actually don't have much of that Akro yellow glass. John
  14. Oh yes, that is a nice one. Dripping with looks!
  15. I think all I have is the green too...although, I could swear I have or have seen the blue. If I find a blue one, I'll post here. A collector friend told me that someone offered him pretty big money (relative to oddball corks) for one just like I posted. Could that be?
  16. Very nice too....good sharp colors. Is this one orange on black or black on orange? It looks from here like it might be orange on black....which would make this different that the black on orange pumpkin corks...that orange on those too, seems flatter than this one you posted. I don't think I have one like this....hmmm, gotta add one of these to the want list it would seem.
  17. I think that sounds correct. That oxblood just up there is something fine I think.
  18. J_Ding

    Mica marbles

    That skin on the green one up there sure appears super clean....Wow.
  19. The upside is reduced competition. All those 'in the wild' mibs are yours for the taking!
  20. All twisted up makes them keepers (mostly) for me. Nice.
  21. One of the Ladies I would think. I can't keep them strait at all but can't say I've tried too much either. But I like 'em!
  22. I DO have one of those...been waiting if I could get an ID on it since it was so interesting and distinctive (speaking about Paul second one from the Mr. ^^^^ thread. I would have never guessed Alley. I'm not holding it back either....but gotta get pictures that do it justice. John
  23. I already have it would seem! But I promise, when I burn out on these I'll send them your way. I promise! What colors have you found in Ghost Cork group?
  24. Those last few are really nice!
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