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Everything posted by J_Ding

  1. You finally got one of those! Good going! John
  2. I'll take any of these you don't want! Love this orange-ade. John
  3. In perfect condition, no hits. The bottom row was done without using a flash and required weird lighting effects in order to image the character of the missing glass areas and smoothness. As-mades and thick drizzle everywhere! John
  4. Paul--That one is interesting. I think you are correct to think it is transitional. I would think that it could be CAC, or Akro or Euro...and even then might not cover it. I couldn't even really count out MFC opaque ( imperial or oriental jade). A keeper for sure! John
  5. A few condition issues...but no matter to me.
  6. That's a bunch of peach up there! Nice additions Jessica!
  7. Those are great. I'm really fond of these orange-cream corks like this one. John
  8. Yeah, that's something up there! This one, bold metal.
  9. That's great. I really appreciate the your efforts and all the posts on this site. I'll try to keep the posts rolling! John
  10. Of the white based corks, a good peach one is hard to find.
  11. Sorry to hear this. I agree, a great resource and Steph is a great, hands on moderator. I've not posted many photos lately due to my own issues; But lately I feel I have more time. That is mostly what I've done here, since mib photographs seem to be the thing I like doing most, and I've got lots of mibs to photograph. But lately I feel I have more time. I guess I ought to get posting again! John
  12. I think it is Vitro, and is an Opal-type as you suggest...just an unusual color palate. I see what you mean...I have Realers, and I just don't see that it could be that...although it turns like we sometimes see in those.
  13. Nice ones up there! I know I've got a few of those mercury type ones. Off to look.
  14. Nice pattern on this one. John
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