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Everything posted by J_Ding

  1. Hmm, hey Steph, sorry if you thought I was trying to say you didn't like the name. I knew what you meant...just added my thinking. I'm really I'm ok with it. I have to be, this isn't going to change and doesn't even have to. In truth, I just like the sound of calling them what Akro called them.
  2. Good point...sometimes it seems much more than 20! I can't tell you how many times I study a 'set aside but study again' marble and think, how'd I miss that previously? I agree Steph. I'd prefer a world that called them as they were called too. So much more dignified. Oh well, so it goes. Next one I post I'll use both names. Maybe it will catch on down the road, but doubtful.
  3. I try to give all the marbles I keep a closer look from time to time. I know the one below is the most common Popeye, but they all have their subtle individuality, even in the red and yellow. This one, with just a window of transparent glass, solid opaque white and only a bit of the wispy white is, I think, plenty interesting in its own right.
  4. Wow. Great to see these. Those purple transparent swirls are cool. I am particularly interested in the yellow and red one on the top upper right, one in the middle and a few on the bottom left. Always wondered if they were CAC or Champion or what.. but when I posted I got nothing. I'm going to say now perhaps they are CAC, or maybe they are not. The glass moves right. Lighting difference might account for some difference in your examples and mine. Here is one example of one of those yellow ones.
  5. Nice ones, every one of them. Another Vitro with a hint of ox.
  6. Nice Jerry! You're hiding an oxblood spiral/snake? Get that thing some light of day! That's a choice...I've only found one...posted over at the Study Hall. I'd call the one to the right a Blueblood...Oxblood over dark cork, the base glass can be white, orange, blue or yellow in my perceived rank of rarity...I don't know of another base glass for these, but wouldn't surprise me to have missed one. John
  7. That glass color is so distinctive. Can any light get through this?
  8. That's a straight out chore! I feel responsible for wasting your time. Listen, save yourself the trouble--- you can send them all to me, and then I'll take that bitter pill and go through them all and tell you and everyone what I find. I'd be happy to help!
  9. Thanks a bunch orbboy! Now we have more stuff to put on the stuff we already know! john
  10. Those are all front-row Masters up there jeeperman! john
  11. This one also seems like a Gibson mib don't you think? We can wait! We can wait!
  12. Nice ones up there. This Sunburst, in yellow and tan.
  13. Crazy! I don't think that I have yet for this example...I'll have to dig it out and check...but I'd bet that it does. Crazy how those two match. Have you found these types in other colors?
  14. Those are nice Aces up there. Does that black one have AV in there?
  15. Mighty fine slags up there! So happy to have so many slag-people out there.
  16. Nine days in and this is becoming a veritable book, that much needed book, on desirable oxbloods. Should be an amazing thread by the end of the month. That blue oxblood up there is hemorrhaging!
  17. Nice. Orange in ANY slag is worth holding on to...if you are, as we say, a slag-person.
  18. I like these simple, bisected ribbon corks. A little Ace-like opalescence too.
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