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Everything posted by YellowMarble

  1. I like the idea! In first case, this Youtuber is one of my rivals... However, i got some ideas to add fidget spinners in one of the events for my upcoming MarbleLympics 2017.
  2. I know him and i've visited him a year ago! I also want to build similar projects in the near future!
  3. It looks beautiful! But the marbles in the edges are forever trapped...
  4. Wow! This looks very good! Do you have a video?
  5. It's simple, but a fun idea to make mazes, you can also try to make tunnels or mazes with multiple "layers".
  6. Nice dream you have! You also dreamed about me?
  7. I've build this machine in a holiday park Landal Greenparks Heideheuvel, this rolling ball machine has 6 paths, a racing track and an elevator which must be pulled up using a rope.
  8. OK, nice concept, but there also another marble race on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/marbleracing
  9. They all passed the test. I'm wondering why most people asks this about doping.
  10. I use a barrier who will been lifted to start the marbles. The simpliest way is to use a small plank which can be removed at the start.
  11. I created the olympic games for marbles where 16 teams will compete each other on 12 events including long jump, sprints, team pursuit, and many more! Here's a playlist consisting of 13 videos (i post this playlist instead of embedding 13 videos..)
  12. It looks nice! Now try to make a starting gate for fair starts, and them try to make it longer!
  13. It looks quite similar as quercetti skyrail, but with more colors!
  14. I didn't know this commercial, but looks nice!
  15. Are you still working on this marble run? (i'm finally back, was totally forgotten this forum...
  16. At first glance, i was thinking about a table to create sand marble runs, but i read that it is intended to play marbles on it?
  17. Is this a playing marbles tournament? I didn't know that...
  18. Plastic marble runs ar also nice, especially when using multiple sets or combine different types to make one larger marble run.
  19. This looks very nice! Finally another race track instead of only plastic toy marble runs.
  20. It looks very nice! Do you plan to make more things like this? Are you dutch?
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