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  1. These were in my collection at one time. Here's the transparent and a few more of the blue/white.
  2. I've been attempting to scan and catalog some of my marble related paper items. I started a new page on my website to post the images. The link is here for more than 300 images of post cards, trade cards, comic books and lots of misc. stuff. I haven't had time to label the items yet, but you can see it here if interested. Be aware it will take a few minutes to load the page because I used HQ images. Cool Marble Stuff Hope you enjoy it! Craig
  3. I have hosted Alan's original website since 2012 with permission from his family. Any other recreation of it is just someone stealing an old website and calling it their own. About a year ago I updated it with current graphics and technology so that it works on mobile devices, Ipads, etc. I added a few additional pictures and updated some of the IDs with current thinking about manufacturers, but it is 98% original. I do not make money off of this, but pay to register his domain name, for security certificates and hosting to keep it going. It is located here: Marble Alan Website You can get to it by using this URL anytime: https://www.marblealans.com
  4. Grading is right here: https://buymarbles.com/marblealan-101.html
  5. 2022 brings new reporting rules into effect with the IRS. eBay sellers with over $600 in sales will now be sent a 1099. (it was 200 sales or $20,000) Will we see less items for sale this year on eBay? PayPal, Venmo, Zelle payments over $600 must be reported. Using the Friends and Family option will bypass this on PayPal if paying someone for marbles in a private transaction. It will be interesting to see what happens.
  6. I was fortunate enough to get a 10,000 count crate of mixed Akro Agates many years ago. Mixed in were mostly corks, but 100s of flinties, flintie style marbles, moonies, unique patches, royals and a few hundred 9/16" clear uranium glass marbles. The variety of colors in the flintie styles were amazing. In the pics below you will see many had the dark or black 'smile' line in them instead of the typical clear point. If you look closely some have slight corks, some are patches but all in the flintie colors. The box set I made up of my favorites. Many I would not known were Akro if they didn't come out of the crate.
  7. Fun vintage commercials. https://repository.duke.edu/dc/adviews/dmbb00511 https://repository.duke.edu/dc/adviews/dmbb02014
  8. I have been working on updating Alan's website and bringing into the 21st century. So the old link will bring you to the new website for a few more weeks, but the new and permanent website address is: https://www.marblealans.com or https://buymarbles.com/marblealanhome.html The site has a few hundred new images, some updated descriptions and company information. Changes and updates are ongoing but are easier to make for me now so updates will be more frequent. Let me know if you run into any issues. Thanks, Craig
  9. On these large lots I would offer no refunds. They may be taking one or two valuable marbles out and sending it back for refund. This happens unfortunately.
  10. Looks like a flake. I have had a number of CAC slag 100 count boxes, and many of the slags had these little 'flakes' that would be laying in the bottom of the boxes from the marbles moving around and bumping each other. Very common on the slags.
  11. Thanks everyone. Royal thanks for the kind offer but no assistance is required, I'm happy to host it!
  12. Didn't know Mike but condolences to family and friends. We are losing to many of our marble friends.
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