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Everything posted by spara50

  1. I have a vintage solitaire set with pee wee hollow steel marbles. Craig
  2. They are really nice! Craig
  3. Yeah, I love the wild corking patterns the best! The large one on the left is a full 13/16". Craig
  4. We will all miss a great marble friend...Guy & Denise In Kansas City 2004. Craig
  5. It seems they go from $30 to $50 range. I have never seen one with a third color either. In my opinion it isn't a true wedding cake, and is possibly a newer Vitro than the two color wedding cakes. Don't have proof either way other than the small wedding cakes are a fancy tiger eye style. Still very close to it, and a really nice marble. Craig
  6. I have only seen the three boxes, and all have at least a little tape on them. It looks like the only way they had to keep the ends from sliding open. Auctions ending Sunday night! Craig
  7. Here's a link to one of the boards on eBay.. they are on quite often. Just search for Chinker Chek. Chinker Check board Craig
  8. William, I have sold quite a few of these boxes with vintage marbles in them and so I had them in the pre-1970. I copy the auction listing and re-work it with different boxes. I forget to change the category on them sometimes. They are clearly marked as not being vintage either way. Craig
  9. Williams description is right on. I see these bags and boards everywhere around Kansas City. Clinton is about an hour from here. I also have a long narrow box, approx. 15" X 2' from Brown marked Chinker Chek with the same marbles. Must have been a later form of packaging. Craig
  10. Griff, I make it clear in my eBay description that this box was found empty and I added the marbles. I have no idea what was supposed to be in the box, just that it could be from the 40's when Vitro went to Parkersburg. I don't believe a box has been found with the marbles. It is not out of the question that tri-lites could have been in the box, and so I put in some of my very nicest same runs to fill it. It seems that the box would have had high quality marbles in it, not something common like All Reds. i am sure Chuck & Dianne could shed some light on the subject. This is just a guess. This is not one of the boxes out of the collection from New Philly, but was one of three found together by the former owner of that collection. I have two of them so I am selling one. Thanks for asking! Craig
  11. Just a plug for some really nice bags and one RARE Vitro Agate box on eBay this week. BuyMarbles*com Auctions Here's a few pics: (free to copy) Bulls Eye Mesh Bag with Corals Lot's more so check it out! Thanks, Craig
  12. Al, thanks for the great info on the bags. As you mention, the Big Boy name seems to have been used by a few companies. I would lean toward the early MK. The Pressman bag is definately full of Champions. I agree with the Corals being Champions. It's nice to have them in a bag to help with the provenance. The Big Boy bag of mine is kinda misleading, it only has 5/8" marbles in it and is maybe 2 1/2" long. One of the smallest mesh bags I've seen. The bags may be for sale soon, I will let you know. Thanks again, Craig
  13. Picked up a few new bags this weekend and thought this one was pretty cool. It's the first time I've seen corals in a bag, and I hadn't seen this mesh bag at all before. Anyone have any info on it? Here's a cool MK mesh. Dark blue mesh with yellow threads. This guy is only about 4" long. Pretty small. And is this bag a Marble King bag? It is on 3" long or less. Really small! Thanks for your help. Craig
  14. Ending tonight...some great stuff! Thanks.
  15. Some nice stuff up on eBay this week. Be sure to check it out! BuyMarbles*com eBay Auctions Here's a few samples: Thanks for looking! Craig
  16. Roger, wow that really is the reverse! Cool marble. The blue one is my favorite too. Craig
  17. Got a few handmades today. These are all about 1 1/8" down to 11/16". Some really cool colors in some of these. A nice light pink core on one, a really fat blue solid core and others. Hope you enjoy looking! Thanks for looking! Craig
  18. Look forward to seeing Joni in Amana. She was at almost every marble show Mel was and we will miss having her at them as much as Mel! Craig
  19. Mel was a member of the Kansas City Marble Club. For those that knew Mel we realize we lost not only a friend but a huge part of the marble collecting community. Mel's knowledge of marbles was one of the best and he was well respected for his love of marbles and the quality of marbles he always seemed to have. He will be missed, that's is for sure! Craig
  20. WOW! Stunning stuff! Thanks for sharing. Man, it's really cool to see marbles from parts of the world I will never be able to see. Awesome! Craig
  21. What a shock! I read everyday to see if there was any progress with Les and was devastated yesterday to read this thread. Can't say much more than what's already been said about Les. Great guy, a huge asset to marble collecting a his passing is going to leave a HUGE hole in the community. Like others, his was always one of the first rooms I would go to see at a show. It was like walking into a marble museum. Boxes, bags, awesome marbles all in one place and it took your breath away. When we started the KC marble show in 2004, Les was one of the dealers I called to ask if he would attend. He didn't hesitate and said yes. It always meant a great deal that he came all the way to KC in our first year. Not waiting to see if it was a good show or not, just showing up. That's where we took this picture together, and I am sure glad we did. It will always bring back memories of a great human being. Thought and prayers to the family. Craig
  22. Thanks Al. I had one of the larger bags like yours at one time but sold it on Ebay. The cellophane was extremely brittle and torn on that one. Thanks for the pic of yours, that's a great bag. This one the cellophane is great, no tears and not as brittle. I don't think Vitro expected the bags to hang around for 60 plus years and never be opened. Craig
  23. Here's a cool cellophane Vitro Conquerer bag. Pretty small as you can see. Only 3 or 4 marbles tall. I can't find it in any books. Looks like a rare bag? Craig
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