Just a reminder...the KC Marble Show is coming up fast. March 7th, 2010. Already 40 tables booked. Here is the show info:
2010 'Marble Crazy' Marble Collectors Show
Sunday - March 7, 2010 9:00 - 3:00
Room trading Thursday March 4th - Saturday March 6th
Sunday - Marble Collectors Show - 9:00am to 3:00pm - Grand Ball Room
Lodging Information
Holiday Inn
101 W. 151st Street
Olathe, Kansas
Room Rate - 76.00 a night
Rooms available March 4th - March 7th
Call 1-913-829-4000 for reservations
(Mention KC Marble Club)
Cut off date is February 26, 2010
NOTE: The Hotel has been completely remodeled this year.
All new rooms, restaurant, lobby, etc. It really looks great!
More info here:
KC Marble Show
Hope to see you there!