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Everything posted by spara50

  1. Can you tell I'm bored? Ok, here is some of my dishware collection with kids playing marbles.
  2. It's in another curio with my dishes. I will post it next...
  3. Love the marble related figurines. Getting close to 70 now, and they are getting harder to find. These range in age from late 1800's to current. Anyone else collect these?
  4. Over 3"? Wow...nice. I think they were all toys for any type of game you wanted to dream up. The larger ones no doubt were rolled like boules, it would be hard not to!
  5. It's no fun if you don't take the bait...
  6. Kinda works that way with the CA name too?
  7. Wow those are awesome. Looks like they are going fast!
  8. Beautiful place, watched the sunset there on the beach last night.
  9. Nancy, great to see you on the board and for all the history. Steph thanks for helping track down all this great info on the dates and paperwork. Makes the piece even better than it was! Can't be too many of these left. Craig
  10. Bill, it was a bit expensive, but I just couldn't leave it. Didn't know if I would ever see one again. You know everything is cheap until it's something you want, then it has to be some crazy price. Oh well.
  11. Found this today in an antique store on Sanibel Island in Florida of all places. Really cool piece. 11" tall, 15" wide, 5" deep. The clock face says Alox. That is a mirror below the clock. The back is where you would store the shoe laces. It has text about how to reorder across the back and says St. Louis MO. Made of tin, painted and a wood base. Really neat counter display. Anyone seen one of these before? Craig
  12. Well, lets hope the next seller is as ethical in disclosing what they really are.
  13. I have seen somewhere a picture or description of kids that would pile marbles in the middle of a small circle and drop the large ones down on them from above while standing over them, arm held up high, trying to knock them out. This may be why some of the big marbles are so beat up.
  14. Amazing, looks like the day it was made! Send that to the dealers and auctioneers that wonder what mint is supposed to be.
  15. Those were from a 10,000 count Akro box I bought and sold most in New Philly. There were thousands of same run corks in various color combos. Thanks for posting those BJ, forgot how nice they were. There were 5 or 6 of these wood crates that existed, all had the same color combos in them for the most part.
  16. Galen, it does no good to complain. I have been trying to get users not to post current auctions for years. Never works. They just don't get it.
  17. These Popeye boxes don't bring what they used to. I've seen them go for $900 to $1000 perfect. This one should be around $400. The bag has issues, the box has torn cardboard and a big black ink stain right over the logo. I would wait for a better one. There are others for sale right now that have great boxes and marbles but need a better bag. Bags come along every few months.
  18. Good one Clyde. I have noticed over the years that the guys with the deepest pockets usually are the ones that try this. At least this was a decent offer. It's worse when it's a guy with lot's of money low balling. No names need to be said, we all know who does it.
  19. There may be a few that feel this is unethical, and it IS against eBay rules. But some of the most respected and high end collectors have added some of there best marbles, boxes, etc. by using this method. It is rampant, and you can't stop it. So your choice either join in, or win auctions once in awhile where the seller also has ethics and lets the auction run it's course. Frankly, if a seller is dumb enough to not see through an under the table offer, they deserve the lower price they get.
  20. Yeah, I ran it through Google translate too. Came up with the same thing. Also Googled the factory name, etc. and found a PDF article somewhere that talked about it. It all seemed to lead back to the real deal. Maybe the clay marbles we discussed in another thread awhile back?
  21. I'm pretty sure that's what this is: http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1438.l2649
  22. From the movie "King of the Hill'. http://www.anyclip.c...ooting-marbles/
  23. Bruce deserves all the accolades. He does a ton for marbles and collecting.
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