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Everything posted by spara50

  1. This is one of the people from Idaho selling all of the fake Popeye and other boxes from Art Jones. This is very suspect as well. The inserts are new, there is yellow paper taped and wrapped in weird ways all over this box under the top lid. It's too bad, no matter how many times you warn people they still paid $800 for the fake Popeye boxes. Nice marbles though. But nothing that rare or hard to come by.
  2. The graphic is wrong also. Notice it is narrower than the ad you show. Also, the details on the faces are bad, and the copyright text at the bottom is garbled. This and the other two Popeye boxes with these cloth bags are fakes.
  3. Be careful with these Popeye boxes on eBay this week. This one from 7centryfx and two others from another seller. Both listings from the same city in Idaho, all with exactly the same bags. Popeye bags are leather, not cloth. Red flags everywhere on these. Buyer beware. Just MO.
  4. Couple early boxes. A 230 and a 250.
  5. Nice stuff everyone. Thanks for sharing! Here are a few more agate items. I'm too lazy to take them off the shelf.
  6. This is some new marble mail. The previous owner bought it when he was 7 years old. Box is a bit rough, but it has the original 32 slags in it and they are really gorgeous. Purple and vaseline included. These No. 32 seem harder to find than the No. 28s?
  7. Wow, that is awesome in the holder. Very nice.
  8. Yes, I knew Scott had some killer stuff to show! Nice. Love the magnifying glass and the winged letter opener. So much to look at. Thanks for posting!!!
  9. Nice! Love these. Here's a few more of mine. The pink orange one has clear glass when viewed from the pontil. Held up to the light is has a bunch of bands around it like a clambroth.
  10. Yes, all of the above. The button hooks may be the longer ones, the little tiny ones are glove hooks. I think the women would use them that may be why they are so small. The pieces with the middle piece that's split are book marks. Imagine how big and heavy the old books were to support these. Also a shoe horn, a few jewel pieces, button, hat pins, a crochet hook handle (missing the hook). The piece that has the two black agates and one hanging down in the middle pulls apart, and I think it goes in your shirt collar and holds in together.
  11. Yeah they are threaded, with some leftover cork around them. Not sure how they worked. Usually it's just a cork type stopper.
  12. Thanks guys. Ric, the fob is a bowling item. 2 pins and a bowling ball. I have seen 2 or 3 of these over the years. This one has one of the best looking agates on it though that I have seen. The silver bowling ball slides up and down the chain. It has a hook on the top like it would hook to a watch or ? Not sure.
  13. I have 4 or 5 bottle stoppers with handmade marbles in them, but these two matching silver ones are my favorite. They have clear handmades with pontils in them. Anyone else have a favorite?
  14. Here's a few more. These are larger. The large agate on the left is 1 1/2" or so. One of my favorite items a vintage hair comb. It's about 5 inches across. Largest agate is 1/2". Not sure how old this is but it has a great looking agate. Let's see some more agate related items!!!
  15. I was working on some new display boxes today with my agate collection. Here are a few pics. Anyone else have some pics of theirs? Scott?
  16. Great old article I ran into by accident. April 1911. Guess child labor was normal then. Ohio plant made 125,000,000 clay marbles a year. Little girls would make 25,000 a day each for 6 cents per 1000. Anyone know the name of the manufacturer? Not sure why it doesn't say.
  17. I have owned both a birdcage marble and paperweight. There is NO way to grind the paperweight into a marble. It is way too small. The marble would be 1" or smaller. There is a matching marble to the birds as well. I bought my birdcage from a very old collection of marbles and boxes. The birdcage marble was inside a small box just big enough to hold it. Under the marble was a hand written note that said " Christmas 1936, bought in Chinatown". I have no doubt they (all of the above) are Chinese made and later than German handmades.
  18. Just finished up this shadowbox with a hard to find O'Boy box. This box came with an Akro No. 16 box of marbles. It had a scarf, necktie or bowtie, and a mechanical pen or pencil. The tie and scarf are original. It was missing the pen, but I found this replacement that says 'Agate' on both of the metal pieces.
  19. Thanks for posting that Scott. Gino will be missed. I always looked forward to going into his room with an unusual pelt I would come across. No one appreciated the hard to find pelts more than him, even if it was a rainbo. I will miss talking marbles with him. RIP
  20. More postcards and a cool stamp. I have looked for this stamp for years, can't find it! The Radio Flyer store was right next door. There is a tiny steel toy wagon that you can see on ebay that was sold there.
  21. From one of the Worlds Fair books. And one of the box sets.
  22. This Popular Mechanics ad says the Master Marble House was made of 5 million marbles. I spent some time along time ago trying to find out more about the Master Marble House but there really isn't much. But I did find this picture of it during construction. The sign isn't on it yet. Did you ever wonder what kind of marbles were in the glass? I zoomed in a high res version of this and here's what it looks like. Look like solid colors.
  23. Yeah there are some Akro and Peltier in there. It really all comes down to condition though.
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