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Everything posted by spara50

  1. I don't get a Master feel on this. It's got the six ribbon layout but they are just pushed over on 3/4 of the marble then a clear patch. I've never seen this green black and yellow on Master before, but it's exactly like the green lantern (which I have had before) Thanks for the thoughts on it. It's a head scratcher.
  2. It reminds me of a Green Lantern. Green yellow and black opaque on one half. But the other half is clear glass with light aventurine spread across it. Neat marble.
  3. It looks like they are 5/8" I will have to ask. Not sure about the Champion being used. But if you are going to call something Champion Agate Shooters and have them be agate colored red it seems they were trying to get kids to use them to play with, not slingshot ammo. There is no price on it either. I don't know if this was ever in production or if this is a sample. It came from Parkersburg, but I don't know who owned it. Was it brought home from the factory?
  4. I personally haven't seen this one before, does anyone have any info on it? The only thing I know about it's history is that it was purchased at an estate sale 13 years ago in Parkersburg. Seems to be a pretty hard to find cardback. Any help appreciated. (It's not mine, just asking for the owner.) Craig
  5. I'm just not positive the longer I look at it. Compare the way the paper label wraps under the lid and stops, and the rest is cardboard. The marbles in Bob's box I have seen in a bunch of Imperial boxes, including one an old employee took home with him. But these in your box are a different type, almost a ringer with the white and red. I have seen Art Bowles make a bunch of unmarked boxes backfilled like this. And he usually used folded carboard like this is. Factory boxes have sharper edges as they were stamped on machines. Steph posted a picture of the marbles in the 10,000 count crate a few posts up. That is an inside picture of a box of mine. Those marbles are similar, but not as nice. The imperials with the double cork screws are what you want to see.
  6. That's the real deal there. My boxes are shiny paper, and all signed / printed on the paper under the lid. That's the buy of the year.
  7. Ugh..that's really sad news. Clyde was a great man. Such a kind hearted person. We spent many hours together chatting in my room at Amana each year, and I always looked forward to it. Many of us had the privilege of pushing him around at the shows when he would get worn out from hunting marbles all day. He's finally up and out of that chair. R.I.P buddy.
  8. Sparklers. All the marbles in the box are Akro except the agates. Can't see why a few sunbursts would be in with them?
  9. If you go look at this post: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/17127-marbles-from-bulgaria/?hl=bulgaria I posted pictures of an email I received asking if I wanted to buy marbles from Bulgaria in 2012. It was the first time I had heard of them. I wish now I had bought the lot pictured in my earlier post. I think at first starting in 2012 or so some of the marbles really were older. But after selling what they had, the light bulb of greed went off and they started making new ones.
  10. Thanks Bob. That's what I thought. Brian and I talked about what he did for Morphy a few times at shows. Galen, talking sh#t would be saying Morphy and their premiums suck, payment and shipping issues suck, Brians grading sucks, the way he groups your consignments in the auction sucks, many of the pictures suck, and prices realized on most items except the most rare suck. But I would never say that out loud, because it would be rude.
  11. Yep, 40% on every item sold. Wow...good for them I guess. Many people don't seem to mind. Clyde: Brian told me he does all of the groupings, descriptions and grading. Has that changed?
  12. Great find. Haven't seen that one either.
  13. Pretty sure there have been more marble auctioneers that have ripped off people for thousands of dollars on their online auctions over the years. Some even come back after time off and try again. Sad.
  14. Pices on all antiques are just going to continue to fall. Talked to a mall owner the other day, he said young people today want NOTHING to do with old stuff and collecting of anything in general. I agree, most are back living at home after college. As older collectors start to pass away, sell collections, etc. there is no one to replace them. That's why we collect for enjoyment, not retirement. Right?
  15. This ended tonight for $477. Am I missing something? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Marble-Collection-in-Antique-1879-Litho-Tin-Box-/181303194640?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&autorefresh=true&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=6cy%252BSYkMzh3BDPtoIZerFUMIcDs%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  16. Hansel, mine is very similar, and I think it had the bucket but it is missing, along with part of his thumb. I have talked with a woman that owns this painted one, just a beautiful example, Why some were painted and some not I don't know. Mine also has the anchor mark on the bottom as shown below. Some info about the mark I have found: "The mark on your is for the VION & BAURY on there GILLE-type biscuit porcelain. This anchor mark was used by VION for a short time before he took over the GILLE business in 1868 when GILLE died. One of Gille's best modellers, Charles Baury, togther, with another manufacturer August (or Desire) Vion, took over the Gille firm & continued to keep up the Gille-sytle Bisque or Biscuit porcelain to the late 19th;c. The mark on your figure is from 1870-1890." I am not sure if this is entirely accurate, but its a start.
  17. That's a really nice one. These early porcelain are hard to find.
  18. Nice slides Scott. I have 5 or 6 laying around somewhere. I will try and find them.
  19. Anyone else have cool Mickey Mouse items? This is a shadow box I made a few years ago. The bubble gum card, Post Toasties Cereal cut out, and stationary are all 1935 or so. The frame is mickey reversed painted on the glass, don't know what that is from but looks same date. Not sure on the tie, 40's 50's maybe. Bag is a bit later. Hanky is pretty early.
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