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Everything posted by spara50

  1. (Insert cricket sound here) Seems like most of the valuable marbles are named. The rest we will leave up to you!
  2. Wow. Now that's the kind of surprise you like to see!
  3. Roy, hope you have great shows. But that list is way too long. That's hard to read, so many great collectors gone...
  4. Here are a few of mine. Ajax and Bonux. Both detergents. The Ajax are 1". The Bonux are 5/8". Some oxblood in one of the Bonux marbles. (Oops, Steph beat me to it!)
  5. I use the flat sheets of cardboard you find in boxes of paper, etc. Also use the flat pieces on the back of yellow notepads. It is a bit thick, but you can find cheaper pads and it's usually thinner. I can't track down bulk quantities. It doesn't take much though. I use Elmers glue for my repairs, corners, torn paper, etc. Not the school glue, the real stuff. VERY SPARINGLY or it will darken the cardboard. Use a toothpick to get it on all the hard to reach spots. Get 4 or 5 heavy items to 'push' the box edges in the shape/position you need, pressed against it in all directions until dry. You only get one shot at the repair, so make sure it's perfectly lined up. If you want your box to be a certain color, you can glue your paper stock to it while it is still one piece. I use the stick glues for this. Again, not the kids school type.
  6. I have noticed group lots lately where they are slipping one of these in. Some sellers are just A##holes. No two ways about it.
  7. Yes it's polished. See the blowouts? When polished they have those super sharp edges. Real chips and dings have edges that are gradual/sloped. Pretty marble though.
  8. That's a shame. The first show I ever attended was in Amana and I was initiated in the art of late night, inebriated marble trading in Bud and Lonnies room. Great times, and the only room open after 9:30 in the last few years. A great guy, RIP. Hang in there Bud!
  9. Sorry to hear that Roy. It's getting harder to log on to this forum. You just kind of hold your breath each time to make sure there's not another post like this. Seems we are losing so many collector friends.
  10. Great find. Some really unique marbles in there.
  11. People need to learn a bit more about marbles. Someone got screwed. http://www.ebay.com/itm/351420065609?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  12. Thanks everyone! Skyler, would love to have gone. Just a long way from Naples Florida!
  13. I found an old 1930's art deco box and decided to make some inserts for it and display some Peltiers. I love these deco boxes. But I had no idea how many marbles it would take to fill it. 84 marbles. Sheesh! Fun project though.
  14. This seller has ended four of his box auctions early. That's enough to make me not want to bid on any of them.
  15. I recently got this box but I can't seem to figure out what might have been in it. The lid says it's a knee-pad of some kind. I thought because it has an insert it might have had a knee-pad of some type folded up on one side, and marbles on the other. Has anyone seen this before? The box is a bit rough, but really neat. It's about 4 x 3. The two inserts spots are only 2" across. I laid a leather Akro style on the lid and it hangs over a bit on each side and end. The box is marked on the side Norwood Products Cincinnati. My searches are coming up empty. These pictures really stink, there is no green on the cover. But you get the idea. Edit: spelling
  16. Some of my Shamrocks. I'll take these any day. First box are 5/8", others are 1".
  17. Glad more people got to see it in CT. Never met Red, but it was fun working with him long distance to get the video done. Thanks for the info!
  18. Here is a link to a video I made for the Amana Marble show in 2009 or so. It's a large download, 400 megs. It's a 17 minute film with actual home video from Red Donahue the 1963 champ. Lot's of fun to watch. The only ones that have seen it is those who were at the banquet that year. http://www.filedropper.com/reddonohuenationalchamp Craig Let me know if you have issues with the download link. I don't have the bandwidth to host it, and YouTube isn't working well with it.
  19. Impossible to find marbles at antique shows, but I am always looking for realted items. Found this neat Alox shoelace tin. The top and bottom are tin the sides are a soft clear plastic. It has all 48 pair of shoelaces inside. Also a 50's? figurine I haven't seen before from China, painted in Japan. And 1 marble. A 3/4" Peltier blue and green shooter. The hunt is always fun anyway!
  20. Steph I agree. I don't know of any other maker with the 6 ribbon cut line. And this came out of an old group of marbles in which were also Pelt comics. It's a Peltier. Just an unusual one.
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