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Everything posted by Fire1981

  1. These arrived yesterday day. There was only suppose to be one. Talk about a marble fix 🚀 Thanks again Mibbler 🔥
  2. I have 2 new Bricks for my chimney. Thank you Mibbler 🔥
  3. I expected no less from you Ron. Come on. A few more pics.
  4. I think the color combo is what really sets it apart from other marbles like this.
  5. Isn’t the first one a Transitional of some sort?
  6. The 2 horsehairs are a bonus in my book🔥
  7. It’s A Pelt so it spins Counter Clockwise but I thought I’d post it anyway.
  8. Pelt all the way. Kinda of a variant of a Sunset.
  9. For sure ! Awesome patch 🚀
  10. WOW ! Off the charts Vitro all the way !
  11. See a few Lashes in the bottom left pic.
  12. They kinda run parallel to a Pelt Golden Rebel if that helps at all with the Akro I’m thinking about and obviously I don’t have one.
  13. OK! Maybe I’m thinking of a Royal ? Whatever the Red/Yellow ones are that are found with AV. Are there other Akros with AV ?
  14. I’m glad you got a positive ID on this one.
  15. I believe there is an Akro called a Red Comet. Red/Yellow and loaded with AV. What examples are there of other Akros with AV?
  16. I say Pelt Christmas Tree.
  17. 200 years old and still wearing it’s Birthday Suit. 🔥
  18. There are more Caterpillars in there for you.
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