I’ll start. My Great Grandpa Hansen was a 92 year old bag of bones in overalls. He bet all of the Grandkids he could eat more food then any of us and weigh more then any of us. So…we line up and weigh in in the barn on a some crazy big scale before dinner. Weights are written down and it’s time to eat. He’s fart’n around and is the last one to get a plate of food. We’re all stuffing our faces trying to eat the most food. We’re done and are all stepping on the scale to get weighed. The scale wouldn’t even register that any of us gained a pound. Great Grandpa weighed in at 94 pounds. Steps on the scale and weighs in at 129 pounds. Whaaaat ??? We busted him. He put pipe wrenches in his overalls before he ate. That’s why he was the last one to plate and sit down. Who’s next 🔥