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Everything posted by Dfay1983

  1. Yeah I love it when that happens it in NLR's! I don't know if your member me bro. I'm Pauls buddy Derek. I met you at both the Seattle show and the Vegas show last summer and fall. I bought this clear base from you in Vegas and we had a great conversation in Seattle about Berlin. Anyways I was just trying to get a conversation going on whether you guys think Peltier figured out a way to get the glass to fold over itself like that on purpose since it happens more frequently than most makers in there earlier Marbles. Because if they weren't doing it on purpose, wouldn't technically be considered a factory error?
  2. A couple of my Peltier dragons heads
  3. This thread is OLD. Had Gino Biffany came up with the term " Tracer" when this started?
  4. "Blended", or stacked coloration, burnt , pulled seems, and cold rolled seems. This 7/8" superboy couldn't do anything like the others!
  5. So here's a question for you. The broken ribbons that we love on some NLRs…did they figure out a way to do this on purpose, or was it an occurrence that technically was a mishap? Perhaps it happened at first because a very slight change in procedure and they figured out how to do it, because obviously it happed somewhat frequently. Or maybe I just asked to many questions LOL
  6. I don't think I saw mention of excessive bubble pops yet…I don't think I saw mention of excessive bubble pops yet…
  7. CAC Rolled seem.i'd love to know your opinions on the most common cause of this.
  8. Miller MCS with oxblood and bright green base glass
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