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Peltier Mibber

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Everything posted by Peltier Mibber

  1. Yes there is. It's not as dark as the Ruby Jewel.
  2. I have one like yours Art. I thinks it's a Ruby Jewel.
  3. Pardon me, No expert here, just seen a thing or 2. I was off about the motor oil here's a photo of one, Clyde posted years ago.
  4. Seems like a real early Ravenswood or Alley.
  5. It looks like Peltier motor oil but I can't confirm.
  6. Sunligh, a little bit of time and carrying the mib in my pocket around waiting for the right moment and - I was able to snap a few more photos. It hard to photograph the AV in the base as it really is a sub feature - the surface imperfections are pretty clear though.
  7. There's looks to be yet a second one up for auction. https://www.ebay.com/itm/385674453568?hash=item59cbfd2240:g:y~YAAOSw499khQP2
  8. I'll take some more photos over the next couple days.
  9. Not the best photo. I missed the sun this morning. I can take one in the sunlight, like the others if needed.
  10. The cats out of the bag. Yes it is amazing.
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