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Everything posted by Jose

  1. Jose


    I'll put my money on Jabo.
  2. I would say no to a jabo but lately I've been wrong sooo.
  3. Jose


    I believe the purple looking ones on the bottom right pic glow on the dark. Take a black light to them and you will see that those are different but I agree that they are Jabos because I also have those same color schemes.
  4. Jose

    Help ID 19

    Thank you guys.
  5. Vacor maybe? Steph what do you think?
  6. Jose

    Clay marbles

    No matter the color or size?
  7. Here's a picture of some of my white/red Jabo Marbles, It could me Jabo or Vacor.
  8. I'll say no on the Jabos but I've been wrong before...maybe Vacor?
  9. I opened one of those files and saw a Vacor Confetti.
  10. Steph at the risk of being wrong (won't be the last or the first) I will venture into saying the first one is not Jabo. The larger one perhaps, I have an issue with the mirror like surface on the last picture. I would say Vacor. BTW HAPPY 4th of July!!!
  11. I will also concur, Jabo, I have the two on the left.
  12. Wife said it was similar to a Pachisi, Parcheesi game.
  13. Saw my young cousins playing this game. I never played it myself but decided to share a picture with the forum.
  14. Jose

    Help ID 52

    I'll guess Early 2000's.
  15. Jose

    Help ID 52

    Also worth noting that they were purchased in Mexico... $3 bucks a bag.
  16. Jose

    Help ID 52

    Thank you for the input, the packaging is for the Latin American market so no English and the label is circular. I'm having the typical buyer's remorse...should of bought more
  17. Welcome aboard, If you'd like for us to lend you a hand ID them please take pictures of about 4-5 marbles at a time. It helps with the ID process.
  18. Thats is a lovely color that I wish I had
  19. Jose

    Help ID 52

    Picked these bags up this weekend. I know they are mega marbles but don't know from around what time period. Did some digging around the WWW but found nothing. Any assistance would be appreciated, Thank you.
  20. I am also new but I will take a swing at it. Jabo, Vacor,Vacor.
  21. Can they be put in water to see if they float?
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