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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Chinese made torch marble IMO
  2. "Welcome to Marble Connection JJ"
  3. Case looks like a cigar Humidor ?? No clue on the value of the mibs ??
  4. Agree Alley coral, nice mib
  5. Ooop !! I didn't read the green av part or I would've leaned Jabo also, sorry bout that Heath !!
  6. I don't think it's Jabo, I'm not sure what it is
  7. Does the surface also have an iridescent shine ??
  8. A tiny little cast iron lantern w/ a clearie in the center for this "Sundays Best" I've had it for a long time & have no idea where it came from ?? Maybe a Christmas ornament I have no idea
  9. I noticed that also, it is a Vitro caged cat but the ribbons are indeed a darker color I've never seen on a windex ?? Nice mib Chris
  10. Chad G.

    2 WVS

    The first looks Alley, not seeing Alley in the second IMO
  11. So named Vitro"Windex cat" has a blue base like that, usually w/ white or light colored ribbons, "Killer score BTW" LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/search.php?keywords=vitro+windex
  12. Yes Akro, Popeye corkscrew :: It has a clear transparent base I can see the wispy white strands running through the clear base in this pic, there's a lot of white in this one but still has the transparent clear as a base.
  13. You're right, there are a couple Pelt banana cats, completely slipped my mind, good one fire, I was just lookin for cats !!
  14. All cats, a combo of MK & a few Vitro, no pelts, nice mibs
  15. Hmm ?? Here's one of my opals for comparison. Your second one has the right colors but the base looks funky for an opal !! MIght just be the lighting ??
  16. x2, backlight it w/ low light Fire, the opalescence should show if you rotate it just right.
  17. Salright, I do it a little to often myself Brother
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