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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. I finally downloaded the pic's I took, here are some of my better egg's.
  2. Chad G.


    Ok, the pictures have been downloaded ( bout time ), the first post went to " what was your first marble "
  3. Finally my friend showed I had 360 photos to put into my new folder. I probably took over 1000 with all the retake's, bad lighting, etc anyway here's the first marble I ever had that I got from my Mom when I was 10. I've had it for 46 year's. Think it's peltier, of what i can see of it the other side is feathered a little better, could be akro, not real sure.
  4. Chad G.


    Thank you Steph, I wish I enjoyed your patience also. Make's me look awful dumb not knowing how to do this but after all the work of taking those picture's I'd rather be safe than sorry. Is it still nap time ?? Oh well at least you have these exiting picture's of me sleeping at the old fishin hole to keep you busy while you wait.
  5. Chad G.


    Good morning everyone. Coming soon to a post near this one some very bad experimental pic's I took last week, @ least I'm trying !!
  6. I sold my collection I had 12 year's ago because I had a problem trying to convince my then significant other that it was only a hobby and I wasn't in it to make any money. Well needless to say almost all the marble's I had to that point where sold except a select few, at a respectable profit I might add even after pay pal and E bay took their cut, divorce ensued some month's later, I've been playing catch up ever since, with some of the nicest marble's I had now rarely seen or to me unattainable because of the price. I still have my old collection and the prices I sold them for saved in a folder if you would like to see them, Though I don't like to look at what I (used) to have it's all water under the bridge now. I was working to that point and could afford to indulge my self a little, can't afford the marbles I once could since I've been on disability for the past 10 year's. But yes I do have some now hard to find marbles. As soon as I get them onto my computer I will be sharing them w/ you. Being as I am rather computer illiterate and have hour's into taking these pic's I can't afford to click the wrong button or remove the data chip to soon & lose all my hard work. I have a friend I've known since high school who is very adept @ these type of thing's and am waiting patiently until he has time to stop by and help me out. I have a post somewhere here on this site ,oh yes ( how I got my first marble) although I didn't get real serious about collecting until I was about 20, I still remember ( and have ) my first marble from when I was 10 year's old, which will also be posted, sometime soon I hope.⌚ Regards, Chad G.
  7. The old German marble's were all made the same way, starting with several premade hand stretched cane's then adding them to a main starter cane layer by layer through many repetitive step's and trip's in and out of the kiln or "glory hole" adding as many cane's or layers to the original cane as the marble required, then the end of the cane is worked into the basic shape of a marble using a rounded piece of wet wood or modern pre sized graphite mold, several trip's again in and out of the glory hole before being cut off w/ marble shear's or a knife then placed into an annealing oven for several hour's at I believe about 780 deg. Fahrenheit so they don't explode from the outside cooling faster than the inside, the least this will cause is stress fracture's or annealing fractures in the glass. Several marble's are formed from a single cane. As beat up as the one I show for sale I wouldn't even give $ 50.00 for it top's if that, depending on rarity, after paying for polishing & reconditioning I would really be in the hole!! ( German hand blown antique marble) totally untrue, misleading and deceptive. I see marbles sell all the time that aren't even close to being what they have it posted as. For example in the past 9 month's or so I've seen several contemporary's sold as antique. If memory serves me right the first ones where contemporary ribbon type lutz and a few other antique look alike's. Very close to the real thing but a little "to good to be true " after the 3rd or 4th one hit E bay going for $300.00 to $600.00 each or more, all being either new or rare colors, everyone got wise to it. As Stephen was saying, the shady one's are exposed quickly, and once they're caught they're done, they can post all they want it'll never sell even at cost because of them betraying everyone's trust. Good thing E bay has the return policy they do, for those who haven't been identifying marble's long enough to really know the difference between what they are supposedly buying and what seller has it listed as. It creates a "kind" of insurance policy, as it's supposed to. The closest to "Hand Blown" is a"reticello" marble, made using a torch or torches and small handmade cane's and yes !! some blowing, allot of practice and many steps, as making any hand made marble is. I've included a video from u tube for each type of marble and how they are made. So sorry for the extra long post but people that are "vampire's" really get me going !!
  8. Happen's every time I vacuum the house or move some furniture. They're so dust covered sometime's I can't even tell what I have until I clean them, yes a type of " lost and found " treasure hunt. Wish I could do some more finding !!!! ( Oh and hidden is the word )
  9. Nice one, for some reason I can't pass one up, unless it's really beat on. Year's ago I thought that these out of round's or footballs where what collectors looked for, kinda like coin's, part of my " get rich quick scheme " as a kid before the marble bug 🐛 got me. Iv'e taken a few pictures to show on the post just waiting for my buddy to come over and down load them. He's still stuck " Labradoodle sitting " to much work for me to flush down the tube w/ one wrong stroke of the key.
  10. Here's two more examples, same person. I do believe they know what they are doing. It would only take 5 mins. of research to I.D. these mib's.
  11. I don't know if those pictures are ever going to get downloaded !!! Where's Craig ? How long do I have to wait ?? The anticipation is killing me, cant quite keep my eye's opeennn 😴💤 !!!!!!
  12. Nothin like those rare " hand blown " antique German marbles, think I'll add a few to the old collection, or maybe one of those peltier cork screws, it's a toss up I'll have to think on this one for a while.🤣 Realizing that it is a buyer's market, there is no reason other than dishonest thievery to list something you have no clue what it is so better to just throw something at the wall and see if it stick's!! How do some people make it through life ?? I guess you just hit one of my sore spots, I try to give everyone at least one chance then it's shame on me. This person has been misrepresenting for a long time, over 1000 sales, and I see no end in sight.
  13. It's a toss up between 11/16 silver surfer or a 11/16 miller pattern chocolate cow, or a really nice 2 1/2 or better 18 lobed onionskin w/ lots of mica,, or a blue galaxy, or a..... ..... to tell the truth it wouldn't be "just one" now would it ??? ................................>>>>> and on and on and on.......
  14. No download today, my friend is babysitting a laberdoodle, ( Whatever ) Oh well " it gives me some time to upgrade my pic's, Thank's again Paul for all the help on your post, it's really helping me out, slowly but surely I can see the improvement, I really love taking pic's in the noonday sun as i did today," much much " better results for now until I get those new bulb's and equipment and finish my set up. Regards, Chad G.
  15. Wish I only had one, only means I have to look twice as hard, twice as much. Oh well on the upside it really makes for an interesting game of hide and seek & seek & seek.
  16. I have quite the collection of them myself. A great number of which are rare multi colored Akro cork mistakes, I had a friend come over the other day and while he was looking through a curio stopped and asked me if he was seeing thing's or those marbles were really ( as he said ) all funny lookin.
  17. Was about 10 year's ago, allot has changed, You can't even fish there anymore, it's the last glacier fed river on your way up the Columbia river border between ore. and wash. Anyway thank's Stephen for the comment, ( GOOD MEMORIES )
  18. I have Stephen on my you tube fav's, watched the new video same day, very informative, as is his entire site. I collect mainly Peltier and can barely keep up w/ all the new names. I'll just keep collecting what I like and worry about the names later.
  19. Them's some nice spuds !! Love the Ravenswoods, your pic's look pretty good to me !!
  20. I caught this steel head in the Deschutes river before they closed it to fishing during most of the year. For people who don't know a steel head is not a salmon but a salmonid or in the salmon family. It's actually a sea run trout, this one was 40 inches long and weighed 20 lbs., not the biggest I've ever caught but a very nice fish.
  21. Absolutely !! "but " I'm not quite ready to relent yet, got some very sound advice from jeeperman and I can still keep the $$ and time on the down-low. Thank you though for the encouragement.
  22. Thank's load's jeeperman, I'll soak up all I can from your post & the site you gave seem's to be just what the Dr. ordered. I guess the day's of disposable camera's and Kodak instamatic's are long gone, Thank you again. Regards, Chad G.
  23. Just found your photo info, when I came back and looked at my post from earlier today, all will be a great help i'm sure. Thank you much I need all the advice I can get. I'm going to send you a test email, just in case I need any further assistance. Regards, Chad G.
  24. Should have a bunch of new pic's on Friday. My buddy is coming over to load onto my PC & ext. hard drive just in case !! Man you talk about allot of work, I literally have 40 to 50 hrs. into the pic's I took, take , look, delete and retake until I have the best possible result's, it's gotta get better than this, have to get a new camera.This camcorder just doesn't have the capacity to give the quality of pictures I desire. Time to save some money up.
  25. Nice snake skin, and the box just leaves me speechless, all are nice marble's and well worth the wait at whatever price. I am an alley freak and let me tell ya them marble's got me freakin out. An alley lover's dream come true. Regards, Chad G.
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