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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. When I was around 10 year's old we where in the middle of moving into a new house. I was in my parents room helping my Mother carry her dresser drawers to the truck when I seen a beautiful aqua peltier feathered slag, when I say beautiful I mean the color not the marble. It appeared to have gone through world war 3, there wasn't a smooth spot left on it. I asked my Mother why she still had it. She said it was her lucky shooter, though I couldn't tell what size it formerly was. I asked her if I could have it, she thought for just a second then gave it to me and told me to never give it away. I still have the marble and will take a pic of it for my album so you can see how really beat up it is. Anyhow that is my earliest memory of marbles besides using grandpas old ones for sling shot ammo, with the money I shot at squirrels and bird's I could probably put a down payment on a house. Just measured it, what's left come's in at 45/64 or 23/32 or ...... different measurement every turn I take. By the way it hold's a very prominent spot in my collection, the one marble I will never sell nor trade. As a matter of fact speaking of peltier the first marbles I bought where pelts, I couldn't get over the variety of marbles they made. A fascination that continues to this day.
  2. Chad G.


    Just can't seem to be able to get my hand's on a carnival that doesn't have fractures or play problems, either that or they want such an extravagant price that I could never afford or for that matter be willing to pay. A very beautiful rare alley indeed, look's like you may have cornered the market ???
  3. Chad G.

    Lutz Tower 074

    Man what a ripper marble, I want it.
  4. I also took some pic's of a bunch of marble related stuff too, just something to stimulate a conversation. Should have them all transferred to my PC by tomorrow, and get some posted hopefully.
  5. Oh she's not the only one !!! she's got a brother who picked up on her little habit's all to quickly, I wonder why they always seem to imitate the bad habit's and not the good ????
  6. Thank you, I try to concentrate on quality instead of quantity so I don't end up stuck w/ a bunch of mib's that neither I or anyone else would want, unless extremely rare and I really, really, really like it.
  7. Most excellent copper head very nice color coverage, hardly any white base at all, and the condition is excellent ( I'm jealous man ) thank's for sharing, nice pic's.
  8. This is my little marble counting partner, meaning if I leave my marbles where she can get ahold of them, I can count on not seeing them for a while.
  9. I have taken a bunch of pics of my favorites, hope to see some of yours ? All my pictures are taken w/ a Sony handy cam in macro kind of cheesy but best I can afford. ( my friend will be over soon to help me download to p.c. Hope to see some of your favorites either now or later. Regards, Chad G.
  10. I apologies if I infringed on the posting rules of the lounge by posting this photo, from now on either marble's or related material. Sincerely, Chad G.
  11. Chad G.

    Finally !!!

    Hello all, Starting to kinda get the hang of this, I'm not to computer literate so please be patient w/ me. If you see me making mistakes please let me know the correct procedure, it would much be appreciated. Regards, Chad G.
  12. Better pic's next time ( I hope ) Chad G.
  13. I realize my pictures leave something to be desired, I have a hard time picking up av. in them unless it's ridiculously heavy, this tiger has a moderate sprinkling w/ a few micro areas of pitting, not visible to the naked eye. I said i traded Sami out of this marble when in actuality he probably came out better in the end. I had a 3/4 wet mint flaming dragon and a 3/4 miller swirl w/ a very busy red and orange pattern on a white opaque base, also wet mint, that was traded to him for this marble a heavily aventurined ruby bee and what I would call a golden bee due to the golden base glass. I realize the marbles I traded where probably a little higher on the pay scale but I had them for quite some time and really liked the marbles he showed me. As is said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder monetary value to me is merely personal perspective. Regards, Chad G.
  14. I will have some pics of my faves as soon as I figure out the right cord to transfer from my handy cam to laptop. Oh I also collect hand made's that I like, allot of joseph coats and onion skins. ( Here's a nice tiger I traded Sami out of at the 2018 I.A.M.C. show ) Regards, Chad G.
  15. Greeting's, My name is Chad, I've been collecting and trading for over 35 year's, marbles mostly peltier and alley, some marble associated material and assorted goodies. Very nice to join in the fun and learn something new as it is never ending in this hobby. Regards, Chad G.
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