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Gladys last won the day on June 6 2022

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  1. That's a pretty marble!!..........can you back light it for us? Thank you!
  2. I will try my best to get that for you ! sorry it's taking me so long! to get back!
  3. Hi Everyone! I regret to say! The time has come! My husband and I are downsizing! to get where we need to be IF we make it to retirement! We will be selling a lot of antiques. Before I take my collection to the Auction, I would like to give someone on The Marble Connection the opportunity ! to take them all! ( even the cats! lol ) I will let them all go for 10k. We also have have decoys, fishing lures, old tools, doors, jars, paintings, pretty much everything!! lord to we have everything!! so if you have a friend bring them along! I am located in Maryland ! We are planning to build in Delaware on property we have had for a long time I have a camper up there that I could let you stay in if need be. I want to thank you all for a wonderful journey that you have taken me on ! to many to mention♥ you all are the best ♥♥ Thank you all so much♥
  4. Amazing! and Happy Anniversary !
  5. Thank you Alan they went to high! I didn't get them but good info! Thanks again
  6. Thank you you all so much! I am going to enter an auction looks like it's out of Michigan?
  7. Sunday Best ♥ I was in TN a few weeks ago visiting family we went through Pigeon forge and stopped at glass blower and picked up these!
  8. Beautiful♥ all of them are my favorite!!
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