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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. Thank you Dave, I thought it looked like his work but the F before the ES was throwing me off? Thank you so much♥
  2. Sunday Best♥ 1.82 size signed F ES 15 would anyone know who made this Beauty♥ Thank you last picture marble on poured painting my sister made me
  3. I think the middle one is type 2 only 3 colors they should have and I think the ribbon ban in center has to be the same color all around? I lov the right one !!
  4. Thank you Ron ! so type 2's have no white?
  5. Can you please explain why Rainbo not Superboy Thank you so much!
  6. It's a slacking slag! LOL thank you Steph!
  7. These are precious ! I would say Vitro 2 but not sure ! They are Lovely though!
  8. Oh my goodness! Thank you so much!♥
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