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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. I like this one πŸ‘Œ just got some character
  2. Second one might be an Akro...not seeing the u or v shaped seam ....IMHO...
  3. .82 ....big ol indian . Has some wear but beautiful deep diving red ...
  4. Tommy

    Vitro ?

    X3 vitro I believe the patch structure suggests vitro
  5. That's West Virginia wensday.....πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ‘
  6. Nice ones πŸ‘Œ πŸ’₯
  7. Thanks Ron for the conformation . πŸ‘ I should stick to my gut feelings .
  8. I agree that's a good call...πŸ‘
  9. The open seams on the top and bottom make me question Master. could be the old forign imperial type . πŸ€” I'm hoping i don't have to start my forign made jars lol.... Or it's a Master...lol.
  10. I'm going with MK. But others will know for sure..πŸ‘ Nice one .
  11. That's awesome...good thing you have a hefty tree....
  12. Happy holidays Gina...hope you feel better. Can't wait to see your new mibs..
  13. πŸŽ‚ Happy belated birthday πŸ‘Š
  14. Lol...there are lots of fossils all over around here. I was out shooting with a friend and we found this strange area with crazy rocks so I had to grab some lol..
  15. Thank you Chuck...that's what I was wondering..πŸ‘Š
  16. Do you collect fossils...? I think this is a tree root or something lol...
  17. Just want clarification on this marble.. Is it a style, or a single mib with certain colors an characteristics Hope that makes some sense lol. If ya got one I would love to see it thanksπŸ‘
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