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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. Sweet....πŸ‘
  2. Ohhhhh yea. Awesome score ...love the amethyst pot..... 🀀πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯βœ…
  3. Tommy


    Welcome Joe. Show us some mibs!!!
  4. Ahhhhh Don't scratch em..... I got allot of scratchy mibs.....I'll trade the mint no scratchy mibs for my scratchy ones lol...just throwing that out there. 😁
  5. My cornilean oxblood.. πŸ’₯ backlit.. Waiting for a nice minty twin....lol..one can always hope.πŸ‘
  6. Tommy


  7. Tommy


    I'm with Al on conquer.. That red is looking vitro Nice mib πŸ‘
  8. Bubbly clearish green . Just screaming Peltier to my semi untrained eye...
  9. Thank you Steph πŸ‘ I wish it would rain here after about a week allot of the cactus out in the wild bloom ...I will get a pic if it ever rains here😁
  10. Some green and white rainbos on a pelt Tuesday...😜
  11. Vegas in October. I learned so much can't wait til then...
  12. Nice one πŸ”₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ‘
  13. I'm on the fence with Akro......but Al does know his Akros.so it's probably an Akro 😜
  14. I use it for the same as πŸ”₯. And for awesome input...
  15. Tommy

    1" ??

    Man I so want that to be a Master marble. I'm with Steph on euro.
  16. Tommy

    Banded 5/8

    Both look like Peltier marbles πŸ‘
  17. Really cool...nice find
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