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Gina Macias

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Gina Macias last won the day on June 11 2021

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About Gina Macias

  • Birthday January 9

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    Earth (most days)
  • Interests
    Laughing, music, rocks and minerals, marbles, books, animals and travel.

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  1. Merry Christmas to you Chad! Thank you for all of your assistance and kindness. Please know it is much appreciated.
  2. Hi All, First of all, please be careful out there. I am fully vaccinated and had the booster as well. I caught the variant and am still suffering strange symptoms, neurological, physical and just in general, I am out of sorts. I will be posting some of my marbles on the forum as soon as I am able. I have 35 new bags I cannot identify 100% and I do not want to overwhelm the board with queries. If it gets to be too annoying, please let me know. I sincerely appreciate your help and will try to limit posting to 2 or 3 at a time. I thank you in advance and wish you and your families a very happy holiday season. Best, Gina
  3. It is a very nice set, You did a great restoration-the pouch looks new. Great job.
  4. Merci beaucoup, mon ami. BTW I found a huge Spock head at this place Doc found. He's giving the V sign-Live Long and Prosper Gorn! I think I love JABOs now, I've found the nicest ones lately. Remember I was CAC girl-trouble is the more familiar one becomes with the variety and beauty of each company, the more you love and therefore MUST HAVE! Best to you, have you posted those HTF ones from Vegas or ones you were waiting to be mailed to you? I might have missed your posts. Thank you.
  5. I have subsequently found some wonderful sellers on eBay. Research is indeed the key, thank you Chuck, you made me realize the important of research in everything we do. Beat, Gina
  6. Hi all, just a few questions, Are there submarine marbles made by companies other than Peltier and did Peltier make a dragon submarine? Are there Golden or Sun Dragons or is that just a name for Flaming Dragons? Tornadoes and Cyclones are they exclusive to CACs or did more manufacturers produce them? Finally, do any of you ever find a marble and see something in it that may not be discernable to anyone else? Thank you, Gina
  7. Are any sizes HTF-like 1" (and over) and pee-wee? Thank you.
  8. Sherry, Your art is top notch, the colors are beautiful. I already picked out two prints to purchase. Thank you for sharing and you will meet some wonderful people on this forum. Gina
  9. Sorry I was so defensive about this post, I have a touchscreen laptop and iPad so I was able to see it up close.
  10. I love how you incorporated the Akroware in the photos. Wonderful idea William!
  11. I love this one my two favorite colors! Simply beautiful.
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