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Everything posted by Jessieproulx

  1. But if it were a swee'pea (i just read about on an older post) the clear glass fits. Right?!?!
  2. Mine must fall into this category. Ive been hunting for a year to figure out this tiny marble. Mine has a completely open clear window with strands through it. FINALLY i have a lead 😍
  3. Thank you guys 😊 i must have confused something i read long ago between the 2 boxes. Now i have more to figure out. If it were the normal patch design it wouldn't have any clear glass, right?!
  4. Does anyone have some of the peewee examples that ive heard came in the Akro salesman sample boxes? (Unless ive misread & im wrong) Im on a mission & need help from the knowledgeable folks here. 💗
  5. The small one is a bright red and yellow with that clear window. The only coloured glass in the window is a small line of yellow with a hair of red.
  6. Both came inside of a collection of all older marbles. If that helps any. Mainly germans, Beningtons, bunch of Slags with a sprinkling of these USA mades. Just a bit over 5/8 but its not precise. Its got super clear glass and fat thick pure white going through those snotty colours.
  7. Hope the added pics worked lol ugh...ill get it right one day 😅
  8. I have an inkling on the one but not the other. Unfortunately my pictures do not show just how empty the space is on the small (just under 1/2 inch) red yellow clear marble. Im just learning the ropes of marble photography & sizing for this site. Ive read the tutorials but if more or different pics are needed, let me know. Always so appreciative to have found y'all - jessie
  9. I just cleared off my bed lmao I finally admitted to the First Step the other day. Think ill be there for a long time. Ill send you a pic in a year with myself buried in my room of marbles lol
  10. Not so much of a huge score but a huge surprise at the store i discovered these. Hanging in a zip lock bag for all to see at a staggering cost of 3.99 Canadian. So about $2 US.
  11. I thank each and everyone of you for your knowledge and help over the years. Merry Christmas from Canada
  12. I've been nosing around on here for a few yrs now. Its time i come clean. Hi. My name is Jessie & I have a marble problem. Sometimes (because of device issues i have 2 login names) I might have an addiction. It all began in the 80s with 1 bag & a hole in the ground. I think it was a "Gassy" (Vacor) that hooked me. I quit and went dry for a long time. A few yrs ago my mother & I did an antique booth together & buried in her stash was an old draw string bank bag from the States. I got the shakes & heard that clacking. I asked where she found this vintage? Tucked in attic rafters of an old estate! I opened it and inside was a ticket from an event from Dec 57 along with some very dirty orbs. I hid them from buyers & begged her to let me love,clean & investigate my long lost loves. After weeks of searching i found you. I found others suffering this same addiction. Others that understood and even documented the history of this affliction.
  13. Moderator note: Continued from https://marbleconnection.com/topic/20437-please-post-examples-of-cac-exotics There was a cache found?!?! Ohhhhh I’m getting out the snacks. Fill this lil Canadian in. I just came here to search about some possible CACs’ in my box. Omg 😲 I just reread my comment lmao that last bit is too funny to erase
  14. An old box I picked up locally, which is odd in itself. The mix is heavy on the Vitro I think. I’m thinking of taking a group shot. I’ve come across some interesting ones in it. Thankyou for the help. I’ve gotten so much enjoyment from this group.
  15. Here is another odd vitro. I was so excited to find this old link 🤩
  16. This will be easy for y’all but not meeeee
  17. okay. Pics aren’t the best. Hopefully that yellow truly shows. Also 1 pic might look like there’s a dip at sides.. that’s a shadow.
  18. Omg I’ll have to take pics when I’m back but I bought a batch of oldies here in Ontario I think one of these are in there. This site is the best guys. Thankyou for that 🥰🥰🥰
  19. This has been a great discovery. Thanks for all of your research folks.
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