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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. So small and yet so cool!!! There is some transparency that I did not notice before in the oxblood. I will still say Akro and wait for more opinions that are needed and appreciated. Love it!! Nice marble!! Marble—On!!
  2. Interesting to say the least. It is Akro oxblood imho. Akro made plenty of swirls. Size matters here and more opinions are needed and welcomed. Marble—on!!
  3. Is this one under UV light? Marble--On!!
  4. Good eye Dave13---Nice marble Chad!! Marble--On!!
  5. They may be dents in the exterior finish. It reminds me of something off from an old wooden "Tootsie Toy". Remember the wooden pull toys--the one with the ducks that wiggled back and forth😁. Marble--On!!
  6. I put this one through a few turns in the photo editor. I appears to be pressed, as in between two molds. I could be a mixture of something that was pressed or maybe it was turned on a lathe? Marble--On!!
  7. There has to be one of these out there somewhere with a twist, or buried in Clarksburg. This little lump shows kind of a corkscrew start to one. Marble—On!!
  8. When in doubt ask @wvrons. He has some of this cool stuff to share. Marble--On!!
  9. Post it Gladys--it is more than worthy. Very nice and I would love to see some opinions on this great item. Marble--On!!
  10. Vacor "Neptune"??? Marble--On!!
  11. Sure why not? It is a Vitro imho. Marble--On!!
  12. Champion? Marble--On!!
  13. akroorka


    I am on the Akro Train here. Nice marble! Marble--On!!
  14. I will stick my neck out and call the first one a "Clown"--"Transparent Clown". The Tequila thing I am not familiar with--at least with marbles😋. Marble--On!!
  15. Great job once again Nantucketdink---you convinced me! Marble--On!!
  16. Great score Mojo—really great. They are all standouts. These four really get my interest up. The first one is just a killer marble whatever it is--nice size too. The second looks like a "Frosted” Vacor “Michelangelo”—a rare one for sure. The third one does look like it may be a Vacor Atmosphere, measure it and at 25mm plus or minus a few mm, it may be one.(these were hand-gathered and size does vary quite a bit) The fourth image shows a Veiligglas in the top left imho and two that I cannot ID but they are killer marbles. These are what caught my eye but I am sure that plenty of this lot has caught plenty of eyes. What a great find Mojo!! They are all great!! Marble—On!!
  17. Are you kidding Gladys??? I have never seen such a thing and I do like old perfume bottles(if that is what it is). Post this in the ID section and start a great thread. Top notch cool!!!
  18. An "Indian Blanket" for sure. Three colors. Google Akro Indian and hit images. There are a lot of them that show up differently. A lot of these were dug--yours looks circulated---very cool! Nice marble Tommy. Marble--On!!
  19. Whats up Fire--are you loosing track of your invention??
  20. So I guess that I was close?
  21. It is a slag--not a swirl. Probably an Akro Agate, they made some pretty big slags. Nice marble! All opinions are appreciated and welcomed. Marble--On!!
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