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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Top left and top right---maybe--The rest are all nice Akro corkscrews. Marble--On!!
  2. We kind of highjacked Mojos post here. The red one---WELLLLLLLLLLL more opinions are needed. I say CAC. The amber one does show some signs of being handgathered. Marble--On!!
  3. You know what they say on "Gold Diggers"--"Find the Agate--Find the Gold". You better get a metal detector out there. They are trying to open a gold mine in northern Wisconsin---so ya never know. I thought sure that that soap dish was glass--nice shape and even cooler.
  4. Cool soap dish--any markings?
  5. An image showing what looks like a large cutmark (nearest your thumb) and one that shows the end of that small whip like white streak will help with this one. Nice marble. Marble—On!!
  6. If I had to guess, I would say that it a "Permanent Match". Marble--On!!
  7. Hello boris64, Parakeet is a collectors name given to smaller sized "Parrots". Parrot is actually a Vitro Name. I copied and pasted some info from this website https://www.marblecollecting.com/marble-reference/online-marble-id-guide/vitro-agate-co/ Vitro Agate also produced another type of brushed opaque marble called the “Parrot” that is collectible. This is a white base marble that has four patches of color on it. The patches can be blue, purple, black, yellow, and green (aventurine or not). "Parakeets" are 5/8” to 11/16” varieties of Parrots. Hope this helps, Marble--On!!
  8. Nope It makes me smile😁. I did a simple ebay search on Akro Royal marbles and came up with one of these that had a name so I ran with it. Akro "Royal Knight"---I really figured some one would get it, it was on the first page of results. Chad--you are up--breaktime is over.
  9. Nice images! I think that they are all Vitro. Nice group. Marble--On!
  10. Not a crow--a weak corkscrew. This link shows "Crows". I believe that they were all "Dug" https://www.ebay.com/itm/255783612487?hash=item3b8de43047:g:lE0AAOSwrbRjT3Qz&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAkJZSj6Iqr6gDovgT2F2W8ISWK%2FxAkcUDTZnwks2pNC1zqZ3XzWpEUKkw4oaKBK%2B%2BU52vUoIJlPjHiBtGk7NJ%2F2jZwrA%2Fz3JtV4nlbNdy8vy%2FQV6bY5jwnGQxJ3ibuQ13MP3AqAiE3iEo5TBD%2Fb1Z%2B7N0d36ghZY1LKtSGb0oVUteGVlOoSH2LAKH%2F2LmmtbtlA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR4rikLL-YA Marble--On!!
  11. Ohhh he knew what he had and would not budge an inch at the very end of the show---I paid up😁. It never hurts to try---he must have known that I was willing. Sometimes a Poker face is out-done by a better one🤪! Curses--foiled again!!-----I have won more than I have lost----No regrets.
  12. You have to look at the other side Chad--Windows10 does wonders, just figure it out. There is a gold nugget there🤑. Marble--On!!
  13. Jazzy for sure! It could be a Jabo---but I will lean towards a Vitro. Marble--On!!
  14. Gladys--you did it again. I generally do not ID by cutlines alone---but I must here. Nice Akro imho. All opinions are welcomed and appreciated. Killerrrrr marble Gladys!! Marble--On!!
  15. Yes---no more hints. I wil give it up tommorow before noon CST--then back to Chad🌞. Marble--On!!
  16. These can be hard because Vitro and Akro made some that are very similar. Akro-Agate “Patches” can vary quite a bit--I will call this one an Akro. All opinions are always welcomed. Marble—On!!
  17. This one is not a Jabo--WVS imho---I just suck at WVS ID--probably an Alley--lol. All opinions are needed😁. Marble--On!!
  18. The left group are Imperials—“newer” is a debatable subject—post 1945 for sure. These Imperials came from a multitude of Asian countries,”Imperial “was the company that marketed them The middle row I believe are all Vacor “Serpents”, the bottom one is just not showing the true colors. The third row on the right are either Vacor “Samuri” or “Thunderbolts” and possibly “Blue Jay” depending on the amount of lighting that these received. (Thunderbolt I think is the best ID I think) Marble—On!!
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