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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. My eyes are bleeding after checking this one out. My heart tells me it is a Sparkler; my eyes say it is a Sunburst. This is one that is splitting hairs but that is why we do what we do here. All opinions are welcomed and needed. Marble—On!!
  2. I think that there is some AV in the black Chad--in the none-spit images. Fire??? Marble--On!!
  3. Good eye! I think that perhaps you may have it. Marble--On!!
  4. akroorka


    Was it the "watch it bub" guy or the helmets. As a Badger fan I would prefer it to be "Watch it Bub". Marble--On!!
  5. akroorka


    Well--I was a football head long before I was a marblehead--go figure🤒. Marble--On!!
  6. akroorka


    Wolverine? I always figured that they were named this because of the resemblance to Michigan’s football helmet—could be wrong. Nice marble Mojo!! Marble--On!!
  7. That is a very cool marble Fire. The spit shine is pretty cool too--will you reveal you secret? (chicken spit?🙃) Marble--On!!
  8. The pattern that I posted is a Sunburst pattern. I will bow out now and reveal the treasure. Fire, you are up next. Marble--On!!
  9. Not a Vitro Tommy. Take the last trian to --burg and I will meet you at the station. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcXpKiY2MXE
  10. Those "Muddies" that the seller has attract me--no bids? I love me a good muddie!! Marble--On!! Oooops spoke too soon!!
  11. It is kinda cool---for awhile anyhow. I will give this one up before noon tommorrow CST--then back to Fire who was MIA on the last one. 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀💀
  12. WIHO--"wish I had one". A very nice marble. Keep them coming Sherryfain! Marble--On!!
  13. That old sprinkler is killer--you know that there are nuts like us that collect them? Sprinkler--On!!
  14. This is Oxblood—it looks like a weak “Brick“ to me---veryy coooool!!! I cannot call the maker. More opinions’ are needed and welcomed. Marble—On!!
  15. Here are some reposted images. Marble--On!!
  16. Back to the OP---It is a Pelt, but really? Just sayin! Marble--On!!
  17. No glow here! Gladys might get it---hint!! Marble--On!!
  18. AgreedX2 I will try to get some more images for this thread
  19. Rest and post---love it. Dig --On!!
  20. Not sorry Gladys--just another Very nice---Very nice x2 Master Marble. Top Notch for sure!! I am glad to see you back posting again. Keep on Keepin on!! Marble--On!!
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